Child wearing yellow construction helmet looking off into the distance

Help Make Dreams Become a Reality

From big dreams to bright futures, anything is possible with quality early learning. See how you can help ensure that children have the best start in life.

Change the First Five Years and You Change Everything®️

Each year, more than 1 million children enter kindergarten unprepared to learn. But you can change that.

When you donate to Start Early, you can help ensure that children have the best start in life through quality early learning. They’re counting on your support.

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An Organization You Can Trust

As a nonprofit that serves Chicago and communities across the country, Start Early is proud to have received the highest rankings from the nation’s most reputable charity evaluators and provide the most impact with your gift.

The first five years of life are crucial in shaping lifelong success. This is a critical window to change a child's future. Act now to ensure children have the best start in life through quality early learning.

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Our Approach

How We Are Improving the State of Early Learning in America

Teacher sitting at table with students while their doing an activity in the classroom

Providing Quality Early Learning to Children and Families

We deliver high-quality programs that work directly with families to empower parents and support their child’s healthy development.

Home visitor with mother and child

Accelerating Innovation in the Early Childhood Field

We develop and implement innovative programs, policy and research to strengthen the early childhood workforce and ensure better outcomes for children and families.

Young child holding mother's pregnant belly

Advocating for Policies That Put Families First

We advocate for policies and programs that prioritize critical areas such as prenatal care, early learning and early intervention.

Two babies playing together

Connecting Communities by Fostering Collaboration and Partnerships

We connect communities to share knowledge and access to family resources and supports.

Our Reach

Our comprehensive approach allows us to create impact for the greatest number of children, families and educators. In the last year:

Children reached through Start Early direct service and professional development programs

We reached 1.5 million children through our direct service and through our professional development programs.

Professionals reached through Start Early professional development programs

We reached 298,486 professionals through our professional development programs and by leading the Head Start National Center for Parent, Family and Community Engagement.

6.5MM children reached through Start Early's advocacy and policy work.

Our intensive policy and advocacy consultation enabled public sector leaders and advocates in 17 states to build more equitable systems for over 6.5 million young children.

How You Can Help

Start Early relies on the support of people like you — from donating to amplifying your voice — to deliver quality early learning and care to our youngest learners.

Our Impact in Action

See firsthand how Start Early’s early learning programs help new and expecting parents build a strong foundation for their children to thrive.

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Little girl with blue headband
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