Ms. Clarissa Sepulveda, a Chicago Public Schools Pre-K Diverse Learner Teacher at Rodolfo Lozano School, left her previous job as an educator and early intervention provider at a community-based early learning program because she could earn more working in schools.

“First of all, the support at community-based programs is not enough. Our ratio was always super high, the stress was immense for the pay we would get. And you’re talking about people who have so many degrees. I started with my Associate’s, then Bachelor’s, Bilingual Endorsement, Special Education Endorsement. No matter what you got, it didn’t matter.” – Ms. Clarissa Sepulveda

Now, as a school Diverse Learner Teacher, Ms. Sepulveda and her colleagues also constantly witness the lack of support priority populations (e.g., English Learners and students with disabilities) receive in preschool classrooms. To address this and other issues, Governor Pritzker proposed the multi-year Smart Start Illinois plan that will provide an additional $75 million in fiscal year 2024 (FY24) for the Early Childhood Block Grant, a program administered by the Illinois State Board of Education.

The Early Childhood Block Grant provides support for the Preschool for All, Preschool for All Extension, and Prevention Initiative programs. The additional funds will help the state continue increasing compensation and providing support for the early childhood workforce, particularly those employed by community-based organizations or working with infants and toddlers. It will also target child care deserts and will create five thousand new preschool slots. Families and providers across the state have been demanding for more child care and preschool access, and this investment will help create the additional slots needed for more diverse learners, like the students Ms. Sepulveda cares for day in, day out. But supporting and properly compensating the workforce who will care for our children is of top priority. Learn more about how Smart Start will address the workforce compensation issues for community-based providers.

As a final note from early childhood educators to policy makers, “Go to the real community-based child care programs that are rated low and see why they’re rated low. It’s not the teachers, it’s just the services and the lower your program is rated, the less money you get. Which is so backwards, because to us the reason they’re doing bad is because they need more funds.” – Ms. Clarissa Sepulveda.

The time to invest in the workforce that supports our youngest learners is now–our babies can’t wait.

If you are or know of a community-based organization providing early childhood education and services to Illinois’ youngest learners and are looking for additional funds, please visit the Illinois State Board of Education’s fiscal year 2024 request for proposal (RFP). Applicants may also attend a technical assistance session hosted by ISBE May 23 at 10 a.m. 

This blog post is the third in a series outlining the Early Childhood components of Governor Pritzker’s Smart Start Illinois initiative, a proposed multi-year investment in our state’s Early Intervention, Child Care, Home Visiting, and Pre-K systems.

More From This Series

This blog series outlines the Early Childhood components of Governor Pritzker’s Smart Start Illinois initiative, a proposed multi-year investment in our state’s Early Intervention, Child Care, Home Visiting, and Pre-K systems.

Why is it so important to ensure that children have quality care and educational experiences in the earliest years of life? A nurturing and supportive environment during a child’s first years lays the foundation for future success in school and life. To truly appreciate why this time of life is so crucial, it helps to understand a little bit about brain science and early brain development.

The First Years of Life: What does science tell us?

During the first several years of a child’s life, the brain forms over one million neural connections every second.

Babies’ brains are quite literally wired to learn. This rapid absorption of information creates new neural connections and builds the architecture of a baby’s brain. For comparison, adult brains have thicker, but fewer, synaptic connections.

This makes adults more efficient at doing what they’ve done before (e.g., speaking, writing and reading) but less effective at learning new things, such as a foreign language.

Picture of number of synapses in a baby's brain in first months and years of life compared to as an adult

Original source: Adapted from Corel, JL. The postnatal development of the human cerebral cortex. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press; 1975. Link source: Urban Child Institute

The above figure illustrates the rapid rate at which synapses are formed in the first few years of life. One can see that adults have thicker, but fewer synaptic connections.

Everything in a child’s environment — experiences, relationships with parents and caregivers and environmental factors — influences brain development and growth.

It is no surprise, then, that early experiences have a profound impact on a child’s future ability to succeed in school, work and life.

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The Importance of Early Interventions

Secure and nurturing early childhood experiences form strong neural connections, which enable children to acquire language and communication skills, learn how to interact with people and their surroundings, and develop the ability to regulate their emotions.

Sadly, too many children — especially those living in under-resourced communities — face chronic stress and adversity which hinder their ability to learn and increase their chances of falling behind developmentally and academically for years to come. Fortunately, there’s a wide body of research that demonstrates that interventions, particularly in the first years of life, make a difference.

Studies on high-quality, comprehensive early childhood programs, such as the Carolina Abecedarian Project, the Perry Preschool Project, the Chicago Child-Parent Centers, as well as Educare schools, demonstrate that early childhood interventions promote positive results in emotional development, school readiness, academic achievement and family life.

As part of our effort to become the country’s most trusted resource for early childhood knowledge Start Early conducts research with the overarching goal of generating new knowledge and contributing to the field’s understanding of how to improve the quality of programs and systems, promote positive outcomes, and transform practices and policies at scale.

Amanda Stein, director of research & evaluation
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How does the science on brain development influence our research on early interventions?

The research conducted at Start Early is anchored by science. Building upon decades of studies on brain development and early childhood education, we conduct high-quality research and help translate this research into practice — with the goal of improving outcomes for children and families early in life.

One example of how our research comes to life is demonstrated by the work of Educare schools. Start Early opened the first Educare school in 2000 on Chicago’s South Side using a research-based curriculum and serving low-income infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families. Now part of a nationwide network of 25 schools, known as the Educare Learning Network, these schools are prime examples of the positive outcomes stemming from high-quality early education programs.

After just one year at an Educare school, children show improved language skills, fewer problem behaviors, and more positive interactions with parents. Children who enrolled in Educare schools earlier, and stayed until they entered kindergarten, also displayed stronger vocabulary skills — just one of many positive indicators of effective early intervention. Years of rigorous evaluations of Educare programs indicate these outcomes.

Yet, Educare is just one example of how existing science and our own rigorous research join to create and promote high-quality early learning experiences. Ultimately, our research aims to reinforce the existing evidence supporting the importance of early education, while also informing and advancing improvements in the field as a whole.

In early February, Governor Pritzker announced Smart Start Illinois, his administration’s proposal to make the largest investments in early care and education that the field has seen in a generation. The proposal includes $100 million in funding to build new and expand current child care facilities, an additional $50 million for the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), and $130 million to enhance wages for the workforce through child care contracts.

Although Start Early is grateful for the Governor’s renewed attention to child care to begin his second term – we simply cannot stop at Smart Start’s investments because in the long-term, this funding is not sufficient to create a robust child care system that works for all children and families in Illinois. Far too many families across the state cannot access child care, much less high-quality care, due to its exorbitant cost and the lack of available classroom slots. According to Start Early’s Infant & Toddler Child Care Roadmap report, licensed child care centers have the capacity to care for only 17.4% of the state’s infants and toddlers.

The earliest years in a child’s life are the most critical years for brain development, yet infant/toddler child care is by far the most difficult type of care to secure in Illinois. It is the most expensive form of care due to low teacher-child ratios (1:4) and it’s often not seen as desirable work because of its physical nature and very low pay. In fact, infant/toddler teachers throughout the state are typically paid less than their peers. Teachers who care for our youngest learners deserve better and unless we raise teacher salaries, we will not have the workforce to increase child care slots.

Child care in Illinois is on shaky ground and without substantial long-term investments for the sector, young children and their caregivers will not be given the opportunity to thrive. We need greater dedicated funding to expand child care slots in every region of the state and to provide early educators with higher wages that allow them to not only live comfortably, but flourish in their communities.

The proposed funding within Smart Start must only be the beginning for our state’s early care and education system. Yet the Illinois General Assembly will not approve these initial budget investments without pressure from advocates like you. Now is the time for greater advocacy from all of us because babies can’t wait.

This blog post is the second in a series outlining the Early Childhood components of Governor Pritzker’s Smart Start Illinois initiative, a proposed multi-year investment in our state’s Early Intervention, Child Care, Home Visiting, and Pre-K systems.

More From This Series

This blog series outlines the Early Childhood components of Governor Pritzker’s Smart Start Illinois initiative, a proposed multi-year investment in our state’s Early Intervention, Child Care, Home Visiting, and Pre-K systems.

On April 18, Start Early along with our partners at Child Care For All, COFI, Illinois Action for Children, Raising Illinois, SEIU, and We, the Village brought over 300 advocates down to Springfield to advocate for Illinois’ youngest learners. Advocates shared policy briefs outlining the impact that Governor Pritzker’s Smart Start Illinois initiative would have on our early childhood systems as well as Raising Illinois’ Babies Can’t Wait postcards highlighting the struggles & successes Illinois families have had with Early Intervention. We were honored to be joined by Governor Pritzker himself, as well as Lieutenant Governor Stratton, who both addressed advocates in the Rotunda as part of the day’s events.

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Flip through photos from Early Childhood Advocacy Day 2023

ECAD 2023

With about a month left in this legislative session, we aren’t easing up our advocacy efforts! Here’s how you can still participate:

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The Washington State Legislature adjourned “Sine Die” just after 10 p.m. Sunday, April 23.

Following is a recap of key actions since our Friday morning release of “Notes From Olympia.”

Release and Passage of 2023-25 Budgets

Both the House of Representatives and the Senate passed the Operating, Capital and Transportation budgets over the weekend. The Capital and Transportation budgets passed with broad bipartisan support, while the Operating budget passed on a party-line vote in the House and saw 8 Republicans joining Democrats to vote for passage in the Senate.

Of particular interest to loyal “Notes from Olympia” trivia readers, the final Capital budget does include funding to restore the skylights above the Senate and House chambers in time for the Legislative Building’s centennial celebration in 2028.

Start Early Washington updated its budget comparison document on our resources page to reflect the final early learning related budget items. Despite concern of a potential economic downturn as well as multiple competing demands, the adopted budgets contain significant investments for a number of early learning programs.

Lawmakers worked incredibly long hours to craft this budget and would no doubt appreciate hearing a “thank you” for prioritizing early learning investments. Legislative email addresses all share the format of Specific emails can be found on the legislative website.

Updates on Outstanding Bills

We’ve updated our bill tracker on our resource page to include this weekend’s bill activity. Remember, bills that did not advance in 2023 can be revisited in 2024.

In what turned out to be the final bill vote for the 2023 legislative session, the House voted to concur in Senate amendments to 2SHB 1550 on a 60-37 vote, sending the legislation relating to Transitional Kindergarten to the Governor’s desk. Earlier in the evening, the Senate adopted a striker to 2SHB 1550 on a 39-10 vote.

As passed by the Legislature, the bill:

  • Codifies Transitional Kindergarten and reconstitutes it as Transition to Kindergarten (TTK).
  • Directs the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop rules for the administration of and standards for TTK. Initial rules must be adopted prior to the start of the 2023-24 school year with permanent rules by the 2024-25 school year.
  • Provides that only school-district authorized charter schools may immediately offer TTK and the charter commission authorized charter schools may offer TTK beginning in the 2025-26 school year.
  • Defines eligibility for TTK as those children who have been determined to benefit from additional preparation for kindergarten and who are at least four-years old by 8/31 of each year.
  • Requires, as practicable, TTK programs prioritize children from lowest income families and those most in need of additional preparation.
  • TTK is not considered a child-level entitlement.
  • Unless excused by parents or caregivers, requires administration of WaKIDS at the start and end of the school year.
  • Calls for a local child care and early learning needs assessment prior to beginning or expanding a TTK program. Also directs OSPI and DCYF to develop statewide coordinated eligibility, recruitment, enrollment and selection best practices.
  • Provides that TTK programs must follow OSPI developed guidelines related to best practices for site readiness, developmentally appropriate curricula and professional development. OSPI must also develop a process for site visits to provide feedback on these guidelines.
  • Prohibits charging of tuition as well as excluding children due to the presence of a disability.
  • Allows TTK programs to blend and co-locate with other early learning programs.
  • Provides that TTK students will be counted as a kindergarten student for funding purposes, but reported separately (to be able to get an accurate count of the number of TTK students). Funding is equivalent to the prototypical school funding model (including transportation), but is not considered part of basic education.
  • Directs DCYF to make administrative changes to better align early learning programs.
  • Finally, directs the caseload forecast council to forecast for TTK.

You can track the scheduling of bill signings on the Governor’s webpage. The Governor must act upon all bills that reach his desk by May 15.

Legislative Leadership Change Announced

On Sine Die, House Minority Leader JT Wilcox shared his plans to step down as the House Republican leader. The leadership change will occur when the House Republican Caucus selects a new leader. During an interview on TVW, Representative Wilcox stated he does plan to continue in the House.

Thank you for your partnership with us through the 2023 legislative session. We look forward to continuing our shared work to build more equitable systems for children and families in Washington state.

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(Photo Credit: Erica Hallock)

This edition of “Notes From Olympia” will serve as our final weekly newsletter, signaling the end of the 2023 legislative session.

What Is Next?

  • Look for an email early next week, which will include final budget details, bill status updates and a recap of the last days of the legislative session.
  • We will share an update covering Gov. Inslee’s actions mid-May.
  • Our “Notes From Olympia” will continue periodically during the interim to keep you abreast of early learning policy developments.


Which Governor was associated with “The Kick” incident in 1913?

Budget Details

Conference reports for the2023-25 biennial budgets will be released by Saturday of this week and voted upon prior to legislative adjournment. Specifically, the Operating budget details will be released Saturday, April 22, at noon. Because these actions will occur after this week’s newsletter publication, we plan to send out an email early next week including the final budget details as well as a recap of the last days of the legislative session. When completed, the budget summary will be available on Start Early Washington’s resource page.

Legislative Updates

With the Legislature poised to adjourn “Sine Die” Sunday, April 23, this week focused on finalizing actions on outstanding bills while budget writers and the amazing staff worked to put together the Operating, Capital and Transportation budgets.

As of this writing, only one active early learning related bill has not advanced to the Governor’s desk – 2SHB 1550, related to Transitional Kindergarten. We will include a status update in a post-session email. You can also check the status of specific legislation on the legislative website or via Start Early Washington’s bill tracker on our resource page.

As a reminder, you can track the status of gubernatorial bill signings on this webpage. The final day for Governor Inslee to act on bills that reach his desk is May 16.

After gubernatorial action, attention turns to state agencies as they start implementing the policies and related funding included in the enacted bills. Implementation planning can take weeks to months, depending on the issue or program and the extent external parties are involved in development. Additionally, state agencies are beginning to develop decision packages outlining their policy and funding priorities for the 2024 legislative session. The legislative cycle is always in motion!

Trivia Answer

“The Kick” incident involved Governor Ernest Lister and First Lady Mary Alma Lister. This is the same Governor Lister mentioned in last week’s newsletter who moved his family out of the Governor’s mansion due to the home’s frigid temperatures.

Governor Ernest Lister (1870-1949)

Governor Ernest Lister (1870-1949)
(Photo Credit: Wikipedia)

Governor Lister, a Democrat from Tacoma, was elected in 1912 by fewer than 1,000 votes. At the time of his election, the State Senate comprised 25 Republicans, 8 Democrats, 8 Progressives and one Independent. The House held 48 Republicans, 30 Progressives, 18 Democrats and one Socialist. In the House, the 18 Democrats joined with the 48 Republicans to elect a Republican speaker as the Democrats felt they shared more in common with the Republicans than the Progressives. From the start of his term, Governor Lister faced a rocky relationship with the Legislature, identifying more with the Progressives’ agenda than his fellow Democrats. (Note for future trivia – it would be interesting to look at when our state stopped electing candidates from the Progressive Party).

So, what was “The Kick?” First, some backstory. In the early 1910s, the funding and building of highways became a prominent issue as more Washingtonians purchased automobiles. During the 1913 legislative session, the Legislature and Governor could not reach agreement on the level of funding needed to address the growing demand for roads (sound familiar?).

In late February 1913, the Legislature passed a $1.5 million levy for road construction which the Governor promptly vetoed. An effort to override the Governor’s veto failed. At this point, it was Day 54 of the legislative session and legislative leadership wanted to deliver a highway funding bill to the Governor as soon as possible so the Governor would be forced to act on the bill before the Legislature left town. (Annual legislative sessions did not begin until 1980; in 1913, sessions were only 60 days long).

This is where it gets interesting. Remember, this was the time of actual paper delivery. After both chambers passed a new road funding bill between 5 – 6 p.m., an attempt to deliver it to the Governor’s office was thwarted as his office door was locked. That evening, a legislative ball was scheduled and legislative leadership hatched a plan to deliver the bill during the event. The Governor attended the ball – briefly – but dodged the delivery. (By now, you may have an image of someone avoiding a subpoena).

Next, the House Speaker directed the Chief Clerk of the House and the Chair of the Highway Committee to attempt delivery at the Governor’s mansion that same evening. When they arrived at the home, First Lady Mary Alma Lister answered the door and said the Governor was unavailable. The Chief Clerk and Committee Chair made a few more attempts, finally dropping the bill inside the mansion when Mrs. Lister answered the door. Mrs. Lister promptly responded by kicking the bill out of the house and it landed on the front porch. Hence “The Kick,” which spawned an editorial cartoon by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:


(Photo Credit: Washington State Archives)

Governor Lister did consider the bill delivered, and he took to the Senate Floor the following day to issue a veto and to chastise the Chief Clerk and Committee Chair for their rude demeanor toward his wife, using some choice words for the time. However, after the Speaker retorted with criticism of the Governor, the parties settled down to negotiate a compromise resulting in a $1.25 million highway appropriations bill. It is important to note that this package included funding for the Snoqualmie Pass (!), but Governor Lister did veto money for the Columbia River Bridge in Vancouver, an ongoing topic of discussion to this day.

I specifically included this “end-of-session” related trivia because it encapsulates many themes discussed in the past few newsletters — leveraging legislative rules to one’s advantage, heated tempers and ultimate compromise. Happy Sine Die!

The Kick

(Photo Credit: Washington State Archives)


Sources: History of the Washington Legislature 1856-1963 by Don Brazier, Wikipedia and Washington State Archives.

A Parting Construction Update …

It was both fitting and symbolic that workers made significant progress in demolishing the Irv Newhouse Building this week. The new, larger building should be open at the end of 2024.

From this …

Irv Newhouse Building


To this!

Irv Newhouse Building

We want to hear from you!

Thank you for reading “Notes from Olympia.” We welcome your feedback and suggestions of what you would like to see more or less of. And we always welcome your trivia suggestions!

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Comic Relief USRed Nose Day logo (CRUS) is committed to breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Through the power of entertainment, CRUS drives awareness and amplifies the voices of children and families living in under-resourced communities.

You might know them best from Red Nose Day, their annual fundraising campaign that brings people together to laugh and have fun, while raising money and awareness to ensure all children are safe, healthy, educated and empowered in the U.S. and abroad. Through Red Nose Day, Comic Relief US engages the public and nonprofit and corporate partners to raise funds and invests them back in nonprofit organizations, many of which are community-led with programs focused on tackling the root causes and consequences of poverty and social injustice.

The Educare Learning Network has been a proud partner of CRUS and Red Nose Day since 2018. Since 2000, when Start Early developed the first Educare school in Chicago, the Educare Learning Network has grown into a national network of 25 birth-through-age-five schools in 15 states, Washington DC and the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska. We are a network of learning hubs that innovate, evaluate and share best practices to transform the lives of young children in disinvested communities and positively impact the broader early childhood field.

Start Early, the Educare Learning Network and CRUS partner to improve the lives of children and families by investing in Educare schools to create training opportunities and enriching early learning programming that benefits Educare staff, children and families. For the past five years, funds awarded to Start Early have supported professional development, consultation and other learning opportunities for 2,000+ staff members across the Educare Network. Red Nose Day funds have also allowed the 25 Educare schools to develop new and innovative programs in the areas of science, tech, engineering, the arts and math (STEAM); social-emotional learning; family engagement; and diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) and have impacted 5,000+ children and their families.

The staff now look at STEAM in a different light. What was once before avoided is now implemented without prompting. Messy play, experiments, recipes, engineering and more are now implemented with ease.

Educare school leader on Red Nose Day-funded programming
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Start Early and the Educare Learning Network feel fortunate for the many opportunities we have as a grantee partner of CRUS to enhance our programming and connect with new audiences. Being part of Red Nose Day has offered Educare opportunities for national media exposure, helping us share the importance of early learning. A great example of this was in May 2022, when an Educare Chicago Mentor Teacher was featured in a segment on the Kelly Clarkson show. This was an opportunity for TV viewers around the country to be introduced to the Educare name and mission, helping the public understand the value of our work and high-quality early childhood education programs. Additionally, the Educare Network’s promotion of Red Nose Day in 2022 was particularly successful as we shared nearly 100 social media posts and other communications during the campaign and reached an audience upwards of 35,000 across multiple platforms and channels.

We continue to be grateful for our partnership, and deeply appreciative of the important role the Educare Learning Network plays at multiple levels of the early childhood education sector, and the much-needed support the Educare Learning Network provides to children, early childhood education providers, and caregivers.

Comic Relief US
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Since its launch in the U.S. in 2015, Comic Relief US (CRUS) has fundraised over $380 million, with over $324 million raised through its signature Red Nose Day campaign to end child poverty.

Comic Relief US invests in nonprofit organizations, many of which are community-led, with programs focused on tackling the root causes and consequences of poverty and social injustice. CRUS supports initiatives that advance the health, safety, education and empowerment of children and caregivers in communities impacted by intergenerational poverty.

Funds raised through Red Nose Day in the U.S. support programs across all 50 states, D.C. and Puerto Rico and around the world, ensuring all children are safe, healthy, educated and empowered.

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Legislators burning the midnight oil during the final days of legislative session
(Photo Credit: Erica Hallock)


What was the cost of constructing and designing the Washington State Governor’s Mansion in 1909?

Legislative Updates

Wednesday of this week was the final cutoff for bills to pass out of the opposite chamber. However, there is an exception to the cutoff deadlines for bills deemed necessary to implement the budget (NTIB). Both bodies put in long hours this week, with the House of Representatives working well into the early morning hours Tuesday and Wednesday. For a recap of the final steps of the legislative process, check out last week’s “Notes From Olympia.”

What to expect in the final 10 days. On Sunday, April 23 the 2023 legislative session comes to a close, also known as Sine Die (a Latin term meaning without a fixed day for future meeting). During the last few weeks of session, many bills will be amended to get them over the final hump. Some of the amendments will be done to reduce the cost of implementing the proposed policy or result from negotiations over policy approaches between the Senate and the House. It is a good idea to continue to check for amendments on bills you care about. You can do so by accessing the most recent bill reports or scrolling down to the bottom of the bill page to see if amendments have been adopted.

For example, House Bill 1525, which would provide child care subsidy eligibility to parents in state approved apprenticeship programs, was amended in the Senate Ways and Means Committee April 8. The amendment is toward the bottom of the page on the left and the adopted action (amended onto the bill) is at the bottom right of the table. An “Effect” section at the end of the amendment describes what the amendment would do.

In addition to wrapping up bills, the Legislature must finish, publish and pass the 2023-25 biennial Operating, Capital and Transportation budgets. Typically, the budget details and bills are released and voted on in the last few days of session. Now is the time to advocate for any additions or changes to the budget, as the Legislature will take an up-or-down vote (no amendments) once it is public and ready for action next week.

Bill Tracker: Key Early Learning Bills

As the legislative session progresses, our resource page will be updated with a weekly bill tracker. Please note that legislation changes quickly, so the version on our website may not represent a bill’s latest version as it is published the Thursday of each week.

Trivia Answer

The Legislature allocated $35,000 to design and construct the 19 room, Georgian style Governor’s Mansion. Built in 1909, it is currently the oldest building on the Capitol Campus.

Washington State Governor’s Mansion
(Photo Credit:

Washington was one of the first 20 states to offer housing to its executive leader. Prior to the construction of the mansion, Governors were expected to move their families to Olympia and secure private housing within their salary (which was $333.33/month at the time of the building’s construction). Governors were also expected to extensively entertain and host public events, which made finding the right house even more complicated.

The Governor’s residence was designed in 1908 by Tacoma-based architects Russell & Babcock and built using Washington contractors and materials, including sandstone from Tenino and lime from the San Juan Islands. The original budget did not include funding for furnishings, which proved problematic as its grand opening coincided with the 1909 inauguration of Governor Albert Mead. To ensure a festive party, local Olympians lent their furniture and glassware. Ultimately, the Legislature allocated $15,000 to furnish the residence. A number of the original pieces remain in the home today, including the grandfather clock on the stairway landing and 18 chairs in the State Dining Room.

Unfortunately, the Governor at the time of the mansion’s completion, Governor Albert Mead, never had the opportunity to live in the residence. He was present in Olympia on his inauguration day, fell ill and moved to California to convalesce. He died two months later. Mead’s Lt. Governor Marion E. Hay and his family became the first gubernatorial family to live in the home and Hay’s wife oversaw the furnishing project.

The residence did not receive funding for upkeep and needed maintenance after the initial investments, resulting in disrepair. Finally, in 1915, Governor Ernest Lister and his family moved out of the home because it cost too much to keep it heated in the winter. A few years later, the Legislature made multiple attempts to sell the property entirely or demolish the mansion and erect a legislative office building in its place.

It was not until 1963, when Governor Dan Evans and family moved in, that a long-term plan was developed to address needed costs for maintaining the home. First Lady Nancy Bell Evans took up the mantle of preserving and renovating the residence, creating the Foundation for the Preservation of the Governor’s Mansion, a group that continues today. In 1972, the initial board of 47 women and five men began implementing a master plan developed pro bono by Seattle-based interior decorator Jean Jongeword. To this day, the Foundation plays a key role, undertaking private fundraising efforts to maintain the furnishings and art in the public rooms as well as providing education about the mansion and its history.

In 2022, the Foundation published a timeline highlighting significant events during its 50-year history.

(Photo Credit: Washington State Governor’s Mansion Foundation)

Some interesting tidbits I learned during my research:

In 1997, Governor Gary Locke and his family experienced a bat infiltration in the residence. After Governor Locke chased a bat out of the primary bedroom, the entire Locke family was vaccinated against rabies and temporarily moved to a private residence to allow experts to properly rid their home of the bat problem. (This spawned a number of “punny” newspaper headlines about the Governor being driven “batty”).

On Aug. 9, 2008 the first wedding involving a member of the gubernatorial family was held at the residence when Governor Christine Gregoire’s daughter Michelle married Scott Lindsay.

Each Halloween during his tenure, Governor Jay Inslee and his wife Trudi don themed costumes to distribute Halloween goodies to trick-or-treaters. Halloween 2019, Governor Inslee invited costumed Washingtonians to come by the residence for Washington state chocolate and apples. He shared the picture below on his official Twitter page.

Governor “Batman” Inslee and First Lady “Robin” Inslee pose with some of their super-hero grandchildren
(Photo Credit: Governor Jay Inslee’s official Twitter page)

Finally, public tours are available with pre-registration. Visit the tour portion of the Governor’s Mansion Foundation for tour times and registration.

Sources: Wikipedia, Olympia Historical Society and Washington State Governor’s Mansion Foundation

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In my work, I interchangeably use the terms “Hispanic” and “Latinx/e” to refer to individuals whose cultural background originated in Latin American and/or Spanish-speaking countries or are descendants of persons from those countries. I want to acknowledge that Hispanic or Latinx/e individuals in the United States represent diverse countries of origin with unique histories and cultures. Hereafter, I will use “Hispanic” to describe this population.

Over recent decades, the racial-ethnic demographic composition of children in the United States has rapidly shifted, with Hispanic children largely contributing to these changes. Only 9% of U.S. children were Hispanic in 1980; today, over a quarter of children are Hispanic, and by 2050, it is predicted that nearly one in every three children will be Hispanic. This represents a dramatic increase in the number of those who are eligible for early care and education (ECE). In response to this rapidly growing population, new lines of research have emerged to inform and advance practices and policies that support Hispanic children and families’ well-being.

Recent studies consistently demonstrate that participation in high-quality ECE programs is beneficial for Hispanic children’s academic, developmental, and family outcomes; and in some instances, such programs serve as a protective factor in mitigating adversity or negative experiences among Hispanic children and families. As this evidence continues to mount, some researchers have shifted their priorities to focus on linkages between Hispanic children and families’ enrollment in ECE and their well-being in the challenging landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic. The tumultuous nature of the pandemic has corresponded with new studies unpacking hardships experienced by Hispanic children and families; these studies are often grounded in a deficit viewpoint. While researchers are building a much-needed knowledge base, the use of a strengths-based view is essential for uncovering protective factors, like engaging in ECE programs, that may serve as a buffer for Hispanic children and families from the challenges of the pandemic.

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Thus, through a strengths-based approach, researchers at Start Early sought to examine changes in the well-being of Hispanic children and families enrolled in a sample of 23 Early/Head Start programs within the Educare Learning Network before and during the pandemic leveraging longitudinal data from the Educare National Evaluation. A range of indicators to assess well-being were gathered and analyzed in a sample of 1736 Hispanic children and families enrolled during the 2018-2019 academic year and another 1297 Hispanic children and families enrolled during the 2020-21 academic year. Measures of well-being included teacher reports of children’s social-emotional protective factors, such as attachment, initiative, self-regulation, and any behavioral concerns and family self-reports of perceived stress, resilience, level of family support, and their relationship with their child.

Key Findings

  • Overall, findings showed that Hispanic children enrolled in Educare schools during the pandemic, received higher teacher ratings of their social-emotional skills than Hispanic children enrolled prior to the pandemic. During the pandemic, the proportion of Hispanic children rated by their teachers as having ‘typical’ or ‘strong’ social emotional protective factors by the spring of the 2020-21 academic year (91%) was higher than the proportion of Hispanic children receiving the same rating before the pandemic (86%). Similarly, fewer Hispanic children were rated as having behavioral concerns during the pandemic (i.e., by the spring of 2021, less than 8% of Hispanic children were identified as having any behavioral concerns compared to nearly 17% in spring of 2019 prior to the pandemic).
  • Findings also revealed that the well-being of Hispanic families looked consistent before and during the pandemic. Nearly all family well-being indicators that were examined among Hispanic families enrolled in Educare schools before the pandemic were comparable for those enrolled in Educare schools during the pandemic – with a slightly lower average level of parent-reported conflict for Hispanic families enrolled in Educare during the pandemic. Also, family-reported perceived stress, resiliency to stress, social supports, and relationship with their child looked similar among families enrolled in Educare before the pandemic and those enrolled during the pandemic, such that Hispanic families consistently reported low levels of perceived stress and conflict with their child and high levels of resiliency, helpful social supports, and closeness to their child.

In contrast with other ECE research and the mostly bleak narratives circulating in the media about the negative effects of the pandemic on child and family well-being, results from these descriptive analyses of Educare Learning Network data found that Hispanic children and families demonstrated a variety of social-emotional related strengths. Findings and data from this sample may not generalize to other Hispanic children and families given that these children and families are enrolled in Educare—a model Early/Head Start program demonstrating higher than average program quality. However, changing the narrative and highlighting positive findings related to child and family well-being during the pandemic can potentially inform Early/Head Start and other ECE programs’ efforts to effectively support Hispanic children and families. These descriptive findings cannot yet speak to why this sample of young Hispanic children and their families did not demonstrate declines in these indicators of well-being or how child and family well-being will look in the long run; but they can help emphasize the importance of high-quality ECE and contribute further evidence that positive experiences in the early years may provide a buffer to the challenges faced by children and families, including those resulting from the pandemic.

Find information about research and evaluation within the Educare Learning Network at

We gratefully acknowledge funding support from the Buffett Early Childhood Fund (BECF) and other Network funders supporting research, evaluation, and dissemination. The authors would like to thank our Educare schools including the incredible children, families, leaders, and staff that engage in the Network’s research and evaluation as well as the exceptional Network of researchers and evaluators.

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Start Early believes that the early years of a child’s development are critical to their ability to thrive in life, and that all children have the right to environments that support their healthy development. The impacts of climate change undermine the development and physical safety of young children and threaten the relationships and environments that shape their earliest years. If those who care for young children are key partners in designing for the future, we can mitigate these effects, while simultaneously strengthening and investing in our early childhood systems and communities.


As climate change progresses, frequent extreme heat, weather events and humanitarian emergencies will create the kind of toxic stress that impedes family wellness and children’s growth, development, learning and physical and mental health.

For infants, young children and pregnant people, their physical characteristics and particular circumstances make them more susceptible to the health effects of climate change, including illness and disease, injury and premature death and threats to mental health (according to the Centers for Disease Control). That vulnerability is also more severe for groups that have historically been under-served and those who are more vulnerable to heat and severe weather, including frontline and fenceline communities, BIPOC communities, refugees, people with lower incomes, people living with disabilities, and those at the intersections of these groups.

The changing climate will create new demands on both mental health resilience in the face of adverse childhood experiences brought on or worsened by extreme weather and physical infrastructure resilience in the neighborhoods, homes, centers and health care settings where children are cared for.

These challenges – and the need to respond to them – place additional burden on already-overworked and under-resourced caregivers and early childhood systems.


As the impacts of climate change expand and worsen, we must look to the strengths and protective factors offered by our early childhood system to support young children and their families in the context of a changing climate. Start Early is a champion for quality early learning and care, focused on closing the opportunity gap for our youngest learners. It is increasingly clear that we must expand our idea of what it means to care for young children to address the new and increased mental and physical health challenges that many of them are experiencing or will experience in the years ahead.

The challenge of climate change is daunting, but well-resourced, accessible early childhood systems are key in helping young children and their caregivers prepare and adapt.

Early childhood providers, health care providers, home visitors, doulas and others who support families are often the first stop and most trusted resource for young parents seeking information and help. Parents and providers also have valuable expertise on what young children need and how our support systems can help (or hinder) their development. These partnerships and insights will be critical to supporting the safety and resiliency of young children in the years ahead as programs and systems plan for the future.

In order to center the needs of young children and their families in climate adaptation and resiliency planning, Start Early President Diana Rauner is co-chairing the Early Years Climate Action Task Force, a group of cross-sector partners co-convened by Capita and This is Planet Ed (the Aspen Institute). The Task Force is in the process of developing the first-ever U.S. Early Years Climate Action Plan, which will include recommendations for how the country can help young children, birth-to-age 8, flourish in the face of climate change. Be the first to know when we share the final plan this fall.

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