The Capitol building looking for sunshine on a cloudy August dayThe Capitol building looking for sunshine on a cloudy August day (Photo Credit: Erica Hallock)

Special Trivia from Interview with Jim Camden, Longtime Spokesman Review Olympia Bureau Chief and Political Writer

Following the end of the 2024 legislative session, I had the honor of sitting down with longtime Spokesman Review Olympia Bureau Chief Jim Camden at the Olympia staple, Wagner’s European Bakery and Café, to chat about his decades-long career in journalism. Little did I know what a treat I would be in for, and I am not talking about the bakery items at Wagner’s! This Political Science major was riveted! (And, yes, we were politely asked to leave Wagner’s after staying past their closing time).

Read below for highlights of the conversation… but first, business items!

Decision Package Summaries

In mid-September, state agencies submitted Decision Packages (DPs) and Agency Request Legislation (ARLs) to the Governor’s Office of Financial Management (OFM).  These requests represent agencies’ desired budget investments and policy changes for the upcoming biennium.

In June, former OFM Director David Schumacher issued instructions to state agencies urging that, based on the current revenue outlook and the state’s existing commitments, budget requests focus on caseload increases for current programs and not propose expansion or creation of new programs or services.

All of the Decision Packages for the operating budget can be found at It is not the most user-friendly site, so please feel free to reach out if you need assistance with navigation. Start Early Washington has done a full recap of the DP’s related to early learning which can be found on our Policy Resources page.

You might be asking why state agencies make requests not only for the upcoming biennium (2025-27) but also for the following one (2027-2029).  This is because our state requires a four-year balanced budget, so it is common to hear questions about the costs of proposals in the “four-year,” particularly if costs are projected to rise in future years.

To see a summary of the key early learning related decision packages, visit the Start Early Washington Policy Resources Page.

Next Steps
Over the next couple of months, OFM staff will review these Decision Packages and Agency Request Legislation submissions.  Following the November 20th Revenue Forecast, OFM will work with Governor Inslee and his team to put the finishing touches on his final budget that will be released mid-December.  At that point, we will know which of these Decision Packages are included in Governor Inslee’s budget.

Once the new governor is inaugurated, that individual can make changes to Governor Inslee’s proposed budget prior to legislative review.

A Quick Check-in on the State’s Revenue Picture

On September 13, the state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council met to receive an update from the state’s economist on the state’s economic outlook and revenue collection to date.  The high-level take-away is that our state’s revenue collections are up $26M since the June 2024 forecast – .04%, or essentially flat.

The next Revenue Forecast will be on Friday, September 27, with the final forecast of the calendar year scheduled for November 20.  This November forecast will be key as we should know the outcome of the initiatives on the November ballot and the November forecast will inform Governor Inslee’s final budget which will be released mid-December.

Capital Gains, Early Learning and the Education Legacy Account (ELTA)

Start Early Washington recently released a brief providing background information related to the Education Legacy Trust Account (ELTA) and how the capital gains tax and other revenues deposited into ELTA are used to support early learning and other educational priorities in Washington state.

Established in 2005, the ELTA was originally funded with portions of estate tax and cigarette taxes and was created to support common schools and to expand access to higher education.  Over the years, the Legislature has adapted ELTA’s revenue sources and its uses, adding the capital gains tax as a revenue source and early learning as a use in 2021. Currently, ELTA funding is the second largest source of state funding for early learning in Washington. To learn more, you’ll find this document at the top of the Start Early Washington State Resources Page.

Interview with Longtime Spokesman Review Olympia Bureau Chief Jim Camden

Jim Camden interviews former Governor Christine GregoireJim Camden interviews former Governor Christine Gregoire (Photo Courtesy: Spokesman Review)

Enjoy highlights of my conversation with the Spokesman Review’s longtime Olympia Bureau Chief, Jim Camden…

Why Journalism and Why Spokane?
While attending the “Mizzou” School of Journalism (University of Missouri), Jim dreamed of becoming the next Ernest Hemingway, but realized the odds of hitting it big as a novelist were less than becoming a starving writer, so he opted for journalism.

Jim’s first professional journalist stop was in Lincoln, Nebraska where he worked for five years.  There, Jim served as a night copy editor, night police reporter and eventually covered the Nebraska Legislature – which is unique in that it is the only unicameral Legislature in the country (meaning it has only one legislative body).

Early in his career, Jim applied for an open position with the Spokesman Review in its Olympia Bureau.  Jim was asked what he knew about Washington state politics and when he responded with information about our state’s then U.S. Senators, he was told it was not possible to report on a state house without knowing the players and its landscape.  Fair enough.

Thankfully, the Spokesman Review saw promise in Jim and ultimately hired him in 1981, offering him a nighttime general assignment position.  As Jim talked about his professional trajectory, he described jobs and roles (like night policy reporter) that do not exist anymore as print journalism has both struggled financially and has become more automated.

Memories from Covering Spokane

Story #1 – The “South Hill Rapist”
When Jim and his wife moved to Spokane in 1981 to take on his new role with the paper, a serial rapist had the Spokane community terrified.  A detail Jim omitted when hyping up the new community to his wife!

The perpetrator, Kevin Coe, was arrested and it turned out that Coe’s father, Gordon, was the managing editor of the Spokesman Review’s main competitor, the Spokane Chronicle (but both papers shared the same owner).  Kevin Coe’s crimes centered on the city’s South Hill, hence the moniker the “South Hill Rapist.”

The story got more complicated when Gordon’s wife Ruth (Kevin’s mother) was arrested for trying to hire a hit man to kill the prosecutor as well as the judge in Kevin’s case.  Jim said to me – something to the effect of – “there are no hit men in Spokane.  If you think you are hiring a hit man, you are talking to a cop!”

One of Jim’s assignments included interviewing Gordon Coe after his wife’s arrest.  Jim also attended the trials and sentencing for Kevin. Kevin served his full 25-year sentence at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary, and, in 2008, a jury found him to be a violent sexual predator, committing him to McNeil Island indefinitely.

If you are looking for an account of these events, I recommend Jack Olsen’s “Son: A Psychopath and His Victims.”  An excellent book.  Every time I drive by the location of Ruth Coe’s arrest (now a Ross Dress for Less store), I think about this bizarre story.

Story #2 – Candidate Filing Week Pre-Internet
On a much lighter note, Jim shared memories of candidate filing week from 1984.  Of course, back in those days, there was no electronic filing – not even by fax machine!  The first person in line got the first spot on the ballot, so candidates would camp out to secure the top spot on the ballot.  Jim was there early, too, to capture the story.

I wonder what it looked like to see all of the elected and prospective elected officials waiting in line early in the morning.  It must have been a sight!

Story #3 – President George H.W. Bush in Spokane, a Sapling and a Personal Check!
In 1989, Spokane’s Congressman, the Honorable Tom Foley, was Speaker of the House of Representatives and George H.W. Bush was serving as the President of the United States of America.  As part of the 25th anniversary of the 1974 World’s Fair which was held in Spokane, President Bush visited Spokane in 1989.  In honor of the World’s Fair environmental theme, President George H.W. Bush and Speaker Foley made joint remarks at the City’s Riverfront Park and together planted a sapling that came from an American elm planted by President John Quincy Adams at the White House.  (Note: the poor sapling did not last long as its branches were destroyed and then; to preserve the tree, it was moved to an arboretum where it died after being planted too shallowly).

Anyway, like any good journalist, Jim was not satisfied with simply covering the public event at Riverfront Park.  He knew President Bush was staying at the then-Sheraton Hotel next to the Park and he suspected the President would have dinner plans, probably with Speaker Foley since they enjoyed a cordial relationship.  Jim kept a watchful eye on the presidential limousines from his own vehicle and when the limousines headed out, he did as well, keeping a safe distance so as not to not garner attention.

Sure enough, President Bush, his Environmental Protection Agency Secretary, Speaker Foley, and his wife Heather Foley were dining at the Patsy Clark Mansion which used to be a restaurant and now is a law office doubling as a wedding venue.  Jim knew the owner of the restaurant asked and asked what the group ordered to eat (of course the party had the restaurant to themselves).  Jim ended up talking to a server named Rose, who was serving the table that night.  Rose shared she did not know until she showed up for work that day that she would be serving the President of the United States and that she was “wanded” by the Secret Service every time she walked back into the dining room.  She also reported the President, upon the Speaker’s recommendation, ordered a Washington state Chardonnay paired with a steak.

This part of the story makes me smile.  Jim learned that President Bush wrote a personal check for his meal.  Tony Anderson, the owner of Patsy Clark, shared that he of course would never cash the check, a detail Jim included in his article about the dinner. Upon reading this from his room at the Sheraton the next morning, President Bush wrote personal notes to both Tony and Rose and sent cash thanking them for the memorable evening.

President George H.W. Bush prepares to plant a sapling from the White House at Spokane’s Riverfront Park in 1989President George H.W. Bush prepares to plant a sapling from the White House at Spokane’s Riverfront Park in 1989 (Photo Courtesy: Spokesman Review)

Covering Olympia
While his initial attempt to become the Olympia Bureau Chief for the Spokesman didn’t work out, Jim achieved that dream in 2009.  During our time together, Jim shared memories of his time covering state politics in Olympia and his thoughts for the future of his profession.

One change he noted over his time in Olympia was the sharp decrease in the number of journalists covering the Olympia beat.  Back in the day when there were two houses for journalists (the “Blue House” and the “White House” which were recently demolished as part of the Capitol campus restructure), journalists were assigned to a house to separate competitors.  For example, reporters from competing Seattle papers would be assigned to different houses.

Jim noted that during gubernatorial press conferences under previous administrations, it would be standing room only, with journalists yelling out to get their questions answered.  Today, there are empty chairs around the table and the environment is much more polite…  a little too polite in Jim’s view.   (Side note: as I was wrapping up this piece, a Brian Dudley piece in the Seattle Times noted reporters assigned to cover Olympia news had declined 70% since 2005).

I asked Jim to share about the various Governors he covered over his tenure and he – of course – had stories…

He found the first Governor he observed in this role, Booth Gardner, to be the most open and easiest to cover.  During the 1984 general election, incumbent Governor John Spellman portrayed Gardner as a “tool of the labor unions.”  Jim shared this tact was a surprise given Gardner’s status as heir to the Weyerhaeuser timber fortune and the expectation that Gardner would be pegged as an out-of-touch rich kid.  According to Jim, a frequent sighting at that year’s Spokane Labor Rally were big buttons that read “Hi!   I’m a big labor boss!” (mocking Spellman’s attempted jab).

Once elected, Gardner visited Spokane a lot because he liked to get out of the Capitol.  Jim talked about joining the Governor and a Democratic state legislative candidate door belling one day when they happened upon the home of a Spokesman Review colleague, who was surprised to find both Governor Gardner and his colleague Jim randomly at his door.

Jim shared he admired that former Governor Gary Locke made the wise decision to marry a journalist (Mona Lee Locke) and moved his family out of the Governor’s Residence when it was overrun by bats!

Finally, Jim shared a story about former Governor Christine Gregoire and how she calmed down an entire room of children at a dinosaur exhibit who panicked after a series of unplanned and unexpected balloon explosions rattled their nerves.  Governor Gregoire told the press something to the effect of “never underestimate a mom.”

I could go on and on with the remarkable stories and insights shared by Jim, but I do want to leave you with his answer to my question about the most impactful floor debate he witnessed, because he had obviously witnessed thousands of floor debates and votes from the mundane to the monumental.  In terms of the most impactful floor debate during his tenure, Jim cited the House of Representatives’ February 8, 2012, two-hour debate on SB 6329 which brought marriage equality to Washington state.  Jim found the debate “hearty” and thoughtful.

On January 4, 2021, Jim left the Spokesman Review as a full-time employee, but still writes for them on a part-time basis.  He currently writes a Sunday column where he is known for frequently including quizzes on political/historical matters that can stump the best of us.   He is also brought in to cover significant political stories where his expertise is key.

On September 9th, Jim was featured on the Spokesman’s front page in two places – his moderation of a discussion with the author of a new book about former Speaker of the House Tom Foley as well as his of coverage of I-2109, the effort to repeal the Capital Gains Tax.  Feels pretty full-time to me!

A huge thanks to Jim and to all of the amazing journalists who cover our state houses!

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Earlier this month I had an opportunity to participate on a panel at the Hunt Institute Summit alongside my good friend Connecticut Commissioner of Early Education, Beth Bye and Stanford Professor, Phillip Fisher. During the panel, we engaged with legislators, mayors, city council and school board members from 49 states and the Virgin Islands.

We were all gathered in one room to talk about the importance of early care and education.  Our conversation focused on four critical components of growth and impact for ECE programs identified by The Hunt Institute within their State Snapshots 2024 report:

  • Access
  • Affordability
  • Funding
  • Quality

Over the three-day Summit, we discussed how various states rank on each of these areas. Additional detail regarding the state rankings can be found in The Hunt Institute’s State Snapshots 2024 report. Currently, no one state is doing well in all four areas. In fact, most states scored around a 2 on a scale of 1-4 in each area.

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As I reflect on our conversation, I remain concerned that our country hasn’t figured out a solution to comprehensively address early care and education. Our youngest citizens are certainly worth the investment. The answers were right there in the room, and we left yet another summit without actionable solutions.

The words of acclaimed researcher and quality education pioneer Ronald Edmonds came to mind as I boarded my flight: “We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.”

We know that investing in children 0-5 years old is a proactive solution. I know this personally, having reaped the benefits of a high-quality early education through Head Start as a 4-year-old on the south side of Chicago over 50 years ago. I went on to spend over 25 years at the highest levels of state government leading Birth to Grade 12 settings across the country. In my work, I often saw remediation and intervention became the solution as kids walked into classrooms NOT Kindergarten Ready because they did not get what they needed when their brain was developing, during the most critical years from 0-5.

It is beyond time for us to do something. I certainly hope in my lifetime we will once and for all comprehensively address and fix our Prenatal to Age 5 early care and education challenges. As I shared during the plenary panel at The Hunt Institute Summit, prioritizing our youngest citizens IS the economic plan and future for a better America. Early care investments give us a two for one-we address the workforce challenges of today, limited access to affordable high-quality child care, and we also ensure that the next generation of citizens receive what they need during the early foundational years so that they can become tomorrow’s leaders. Let’s leave a legacy of being the first generation of Americans to solve the early care and education crisis!

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To understand the Latino community is to understand that it is vastly diverse within itself. Each individual Latino culture is established within the country people are from, and cultures are kept and celebrated within each respective community while residing in the U.S.

Although many members of the Latino community speak Spanish, words mean different things based on their cultural origin and the individual education of each person. Acknowledging this diversity within the Latino community helps families feel welcomed and demonstrates inclusivity of all Latino cultures.

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Little girl playing with toyFor young children, it’s important to show and appreciate the differences within each Latino community. Highlighting cultures by showcasing native attire, delicacies, country flags, differences in written language and general images of each culture help to create a shared understanding of what being a Latino means. This also helps Latino children create an identity and a sense of pride to be a Latino.

Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity for Latino children to understand the history of their family and their community. When speaking with a family in the native tongue, it creates a bond within the family unit that will help the child as they get older and learn to speak additional languages.

“Attire From Around the World” is an activity we like to do with the children and families we work with. Each child dresses up in an outfit that represents their nationality. Some students have worn Charo attire and folkloric dresses. Others braid their hair in a distinctive style or bring flags from their country to proudly display. We all love it when parents bring in food unique to their home country because it is a chance for all of us to sample special dishes and celebrate that culture! Children also love to take part in making pinatas – which are all created differently depending on what country they’re from.

Children’s Books to Read During Hispanic Heritage Month

Whether your child is a toddler, in pre-K or headed to kindergarten, here are books to read aloud with your little one to celebrate and learn about the Latino culture.

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Picky eating is a common concern among parents, especially in early childhood. It’s a sensitive topic because food is deeply personal and essential for growth and development. Understanding picky eating, its causes, and how to support a child through it can make a significant difference in fostering healthy eating habits.

In this blog, Melanie Santarelli, our Health & Nutrition Services Manager, explores what picky eating is, why it’s common, strategies to support picky eaters, and dispel common misconceptions about children’s nutrition.

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What is picky eating?

Picky eating typically refers to a child having strong food preferences, refusing to try new foods, or avoiding certain textures or tastes. It’s a phase that most children go through during their development. According to Melanie, nearly every child experiences phases of picky eating. This behavior can vary widely from child to child, making it crucial for parents to approach it with patience and understanding.

Identifying When to Be Concerned

While picky eating is usually normal, there are instances where it might indicate a more significant issue. Parents should consult their child’s medical provider to differentiate between typical picky eating and something that may require intervention. Regular checkups and open communication with health care professionals are vital in ensuring that a child’s eating habits are healthy and developmentally appropriate.

Supporting Your Picky Eater

Supporting a picky eater involves a combination of patience, creativity and persistence. Here are some strategies to help:

  • Offer Variety: Continue to introduce a variety of foods. If your child doesn’t like a food prepared one way, try a different method. For example, if they don’t like steamed broccoli, try roasting it.
  • Make Meals Fun and Engaging: Turn mealtime into a fun experience. Get your child involved in cooking, gardening, or grocery shopping. Discuss the food’s taste, texture and appearance to make them more curious and engaged.
  • Be Patient: Don’t force your child to eat. Encourage them gently and offer new foods multiple times without pressure. A relaxed approach can help reduce mealtime stress.
  • Role Modeling: Children learn by observing others. Eat together as a family without distractions, and model healthy eating habits. Older siblings can also be role models for younger children.
  • Seek Professional Help: If picky eating seems to be more than a phase, seek advice from medical providers. They can refer you to dietitians or occupational therapists if needed.

Common Misconceptions About Children’s Nutrition

There are several misconceptions about children’s nutrition that parents should be aware of:

  1. Picky Eating is Abnormal: Picky eating is a common phase in early childhood. Research says it takes eight to 15 times to introduce a new food before your child will accept it. Children need repeated exposure to new foods before they may accept them. Try offering it again in a different form or at a different time.
  2. Healthy Eating is Expensive: Healthy eating doesn’t have to be costly. Utilizing frozen fruits and vegetables can be a budget-friendly way to provide nutritious meals.
  3. All Children Need Whole Milk: Recent research suggests that not all children need whole milk after the age of one. Only children who are underweight require whole milk; others can transition to lower-fat options.
  4. Milk is Necessary at Every Meal: A common misconception is that children need to drink milk with every meal. However, milk can be very filling, especially for young children with small stomachs. Offering milk with meals can sometimes lead to a full stomach, making the child seem picky when they’re just not hungry. Offering water during meals instead can help ensure that they are still interested in eating their food.
  5. Babies are Ready for Solid Foods at Four Months old: The phrase “food before one is just for fun” highlights that introducing solid foods before a child’s first birthday is more about familiarizing them with textures and the concept of eating than meeting nutritional needs. Starting solids too early can make it seem like a child is picky when they may just not be developmentally ready for solid foods.

Picky eating is a common, often frustrating phase in early childhood. During the holidays, having a picky eater can be even harder to navigate. Consider having a “practice” meal or having one of your child’s favorite foods at the table is an easy way to help your child feel more comfortable.

With patience, creativity, and the right strategies, parents can support their children through this phase and help them develop healthy eating habits. Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Stay informed, trust your instincts, and seek professional advice when needed.

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Summer is in full swing! Along with the fun the season brings, young children, expectant parents, and those who care for them face many decisions about how to safely navigate heat, poor air quality, extreme weather, and more. Compared to the general population, infants, young children, and pregnant people are more susceptible to the effects of poor air quality.

It is important for child care providers to know how to manage these environmental risks as they plan to keep children and staff safe. Child care providers are also in a unique position to support families by providing resources and guidance to keep children safe while at home.

Below are some common questions caregivers might have about how to protect young children and families if the air quality is poor, and resources that will help answer them:

  • How can I monitor my local air quality to ensure that it is safe outside for infants, young children, and pregnant people?
    • The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) AirNow Air Quality Index (AQI) Map displays the air quality in your local area and recommends precautions to take when needed. The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map also provides real-time information about where wildfires are happening across the U.S. and Canada and how they might affect your local air quality.
    • As you’re planning the day ahead for yourself or those in your care, access the map on the go and sign up for notifications about local air quality alerts using the AirNow smartphone app.
    • AirNow also has easy guidance for when and how outdoor physical activity should be modified for young children and pregnant people based on air quality: if the air quality is at orange level or above (Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups or 101–150) these groups should reduce prolonged and heavy exertion outdoors. EPA also offers educational activities and materials on air quality (recommended for children ages 4 to 7).
  • What steps can I take to protect infants, young children, and staff on days with poor air quality or extreme heat?
    • This resource from the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood includes information about protecting the health of children and staff on days with extreme heat or compromised air quality.
  • Where can I find programmatic guidance about poor air quality and other disasters- before and after they happen?
  • Where can SNAP and WIC be used when poor air quality and other disasters cause families to evacuate?
    • When poor air quality impacts communities, families sometimes face the difficult decision of evacuating their homes. For families who rely on nutrition assistance programs, relocating can cause confusion about how to transfer SNAP and WIC benefits across state lines. EBT can be used across state lines for SNAP and CalFresh. Families who have WIC can continue to use their benefits until their certification expires. Families must have proof that they received WIC benefits in another area or state and should contact their WIC office with any questions.
  • How do I talk with young children and families about wildfires and other climate change issues?
    • Trinka and Sam: The Big Fire is both a coloring book and story, with a parents’ guide at the end of the book with prompts for how to talk about wildfires and their aftermath with families. The book is available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek. See a similar story about hurricanes by the same authors.

We encourage child care providers and those supporting networks of providers to share these resources broadly. Climate change is an early childhood issue and programs supporting young children and their families need tools to be responsive and climate-resilient. These resources can be helpful not only during the summer, but year-round as communities around the globe face an increasing number of extreme weather events.

Interested in other resources supporting early childhood professionals? Sign-up for our newsletter here.

Looking for helpful resources to protect yourself and the children and families in your care from extreme heat this summer? Find them here.

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Summer is in full swing! Along with the fun the season brings, young children, expectant parents, and those who care for them face many decisions about how to safely navigate heat, poor air quality, extreme weather, and more. Compared to the general population, infants, young children, and pregnant people are more susceptible to the effects of extreme heat.

It is important for child care providers to know how to manage these environmental risks as they plan to keep children and staff safe. Child care providers are also in a unique position to support families by providing resources and guidance to keep children safe while at home.

Below are some common questions caregivers might have about how to protect young children and families from extreme heat and resources to help answer them:

  • How do I know when it’s too hot for infants and young children to play outside?
    • Check out this informative Child Care Weather Watch Poster from the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. This resource tells us how to determine if the weather is suitable for outdoor play for infants and young children, both when it’s cold and hot outside.
  • How can I find heat-related health information specific to my community?
  • How do I know when extreme heat is coming to my community?
    • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) HeatRisk Forecast color-coded map shows a seven-day heat forecast and health risks. CDC also has a HeatRisk Dashboard with resources for high-heat days, local air quality details, and actions to stay safe. The CDC has guidance for heat health, focused on children with asthma, people who are pregnant, and people with cardiovascular disease.
    • Looking for heat updates in your inbox? Check out the Monthly Climate Outlook Reports by the HSS Office of Climate Change and Health Equity (OCCHE) with forecasts for heat, drought, wildfire, hurricanes, and more for your region. Use this link (the “OCCHE” subscription option) to sign up for the monthly reports via email. See this link for the August report.
  • What heat-related emergencies are happening in my community?
    • The OCCHE and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) NEMSIS Heat-Related EMS Activation Surveillance Dashboard has a map and graph with Emergency Medical Services (EMS) data about heat-related emergencies. The information is useful for knowing heat-related risks in your area.

We encourage child care providers and those supporting networks of providers to share these resources broadly. Climate change is an early childhood issue and programs supporting young children and their families need tools to be responsive and climate-resilient. These resources can be helpful not only during the summer, but year-round, as communities around the globe face an increasing number of extreme weather events.

Interested in other resources supporting early childhood professionals? Sign-up for our newsletter here.

Looking for helpful resources about air quality? Find them here.

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School clothes? ✔ New backpack? ✔ School supplies? ✔ Explaining to your child what the transition to school will be like… no? Starting preschool and kindergarten can be an exciting yet stressful time for children. New school, new teachers, new classmates—everything is different. It’s important to give your child a frame of reference to help ease the transition into preschool and kindergarten. Reading books with your child about going to school is a great way to give them an idea of what to expect on that first day.

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Making the transition into preschool and kindergarten is a big step and a big change in a young child’s life. Explaining what it might be like is critical in helping them feel secure. Reading books on the subject at storytime gives parents the opportunity to enhance their child’s understanding by providing illustrated examples of what their new school will be like and helping make learning fun.

Back-to-School Books for Preschoolers & Kindergarteners

Here’s a list of books recommended by the experienced staff and teachers of Educare Chicago. From books on how children around the world get to school, to first-day jitters, to classics that have stood the test of time, you are bound to find one, or more, that will be a wonderful tool to explain this milestone to your child. So get out there and start reading!

  • Llama Llama Misses Mama by Anna Dewdney
    It’s Llama Llama’s first day of preschool! And Llama Llama’s mama makes sure he’s ready. They meet the teachers. See the other children. Look at all the books and games. But then it’s time for Mama to leave. And suddenly Llama Llama isn’t so excited anymore.
  • My Preschool by Anne Rockwell
    Join a happy little boy during a day at preschool, from cheerful hellos in circle time, to painting colorful pictures and playing at the water table before snack time. The best part of saying goodbye at the end of the day is that the little boy knows he will come back tomorrow.
  • Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten by Joseph Slate
    It’s the first day of kindergarten and Miss Bindergarten is hard at work getting the classroom ready for her 26 new students. Miss Bindergarten puts the finishing touches on the room just in time, and the students arrive. Now the fun can begin!
  • Kindergarten Kids by Ellen Senisi
    This cheerful photo essay shows 21 kids in a kindergarten class on a typical day. Girls and boys play with everything from computers to blocks; they learn the alphabet and how to follow rules; they dress up, say the pledge of allegiance, listen to stories, and make music and art together. Sometimes they even have a bad day.
  • Night Before Kindergarten by Natasha Wing
    Join the kids as they prepare for kindergarten, packing school supplies, posing for pictures, and the hardest part of all—saying goodbye to mom and dad. But maybe it won’t be so hard once they discover just how much fun kindergarten really is.
  • Kindergarten ABC by Jacqueline Rogers
    Each and every day celebrates a letter of the alphabet with a fun-filled classroom scene.
  • Who Will Go to School Today? by Karl Ruhmann
    Sam decides to send his toy monkey Timbo to kindergarten in his place, but after telling Timbo about his school friends and what his day is really like, he realizes he wants to go himself.
  • Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan London
    Froggy’s mother knows that everyone is nervous on the first day of school. Froggy’s exuberant antics, complete with sound effects, will delight his many fans and reassure them that school can be fun.
  • Otto Goes to School by Todd Par
    Otto goes to school for the first time, where he makes new friends and learns how to wag his tail without knocking things over.
  • This is the Way We Go to School: A Book about Children Around the World by Edith Baer
    With fun-filled rhymes and colorful illustrations, children will discover just how much fun getting to school can be.
  • Going to School by Sally Hewitt
    Children learn what it is like to go to school in other countries.
  • Seven Little Mice Go to School by Haruo Yamashita
    It’s time for seven little mice to start school! And it’s up to Mother Mouse to get them there.
  • Chicken Chickens Go to School by Valeri Gorbachev
    It’s the first day of school for the little chickens and they are a little scared. How a wise teacher helps the chickens overcome their fears and win some wonderful new friends is a heartwarming story that will reassure youngsters experiencing their own first-day jitters.
  • Our Class is a Family
    With its heartfelt message and colorfully whimsical illustrations, “Our Class is a Family” is a book that will help build and strengthen that class community. Kids learn that their classroom is a place where it’s safe to be themselves, it’s okay to make mistakes, and it’s important to be a friend to others. When hearing this story being read aloud by their teacher, students are sure to feel like they are part of a special family.

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Can you believe it’s almost time for your child’s first day of kindergarten? This can be exciting and overwhelming for many parents and children. To help you prepare, we asked a Start Early expert for advice for parents. Lisa LaRue a teacher at Educare Chicago, a program of Start Early, shared her tips to help you and your child have a successful school year.

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Checklist To Navigate the Transition to Kindergarten

The start of kindergarten can be exciting, stressful, intimidating and scary at the same time. As a parent, you can help ease some of your child’s worries and fears by having conversations around their feelings. By learning as much as you can about the kindergarten experience, you’ll be able to better explain the transition to your child and they’ll understand how fun kindergarten will be!

  1. Meet the Teacher Before the First Day of School
    If you can, schedule a time for you and your child to meet their kindergarten teacher before the first day of school. This will give your child the chance to become comfortable with the teacher. You can also let the teacher know about your child’s preferences, temperament, strengths and weaknesses. For example, if your child had trouble with transitions in preschool, explain how you and the preschool teacher helped them overcome that challenge. The kindergarten teacher will appreciate your tips! You can also talk about your aspirations for your child and what you hope your child will learn in the upcoming year. Ask how you can be involved in the classroom. Be sure to share your contact information and let the teacher know the best way to reach you.
  2. Set a Consistent Routine Before School Starts
    A consistent morning and evening routine will help your child feel prepared for the first day of kindergarten. Young children benefit from routines because when they know what will happen next they are less prone to find changes stressful. Set a bedtime to help your child get a good night’s rest. In the morning, leave enough time for getting dressed, eating breakfast and packing backpacks. Start your routine a few weeks before kindergarten so you know how long it will take to get ready. Be sure to have a goodbye ritual like a high five, blowing a kiss or giving a hug to help your little one understand that it is time for you to leave, this will help them feel less anxious knowing that you are going to return later.
  3. Do a Dry Run
    A few days before the first day of school, do a dry run of your morning routine, including going to school. You can walk or drive to school, or walk to the bus stop with your child. Show your child the door they will walk in on the first day of school. Ask the school what the pick-up and drop-off policies are. Some schools allow parents to come into the classroom to drop their children off, and others have a different meeting point. Not only will you find out exactly how long your morning routine takes, you’ll also give your child a better sense of what the day will look like to prevent first-day-of-school anxiety. While you are in the classroom, you can discuss with your child what is the same and what is different about this classroom and their old preschool classroom. Do they have the same areas? Are there desks? What is not there? You can also ask the teacher if your child can bring in a family picture or something special to add to their cubby to feel more comfortable. You can also watch YouTube videos of kindergarten classrooms together and even role play different school scenarios at home if your child has more questions or wants to see more examples.
  4. Find Out What Skills the Teacher Expects Children to Have on Day One
    Kindergarten teachers may expect children to be able to handle their emotions, articulate their needs, listen to directions, raise their hand before talking, write their name, and recognize shapes and colors on the first day of school. Find out what the expectations are in advance and ask for tips on how to prepare your child for any skills they are still working on. If your child has mastered those skills, ask the teacher what will be done to challenge your child in the classroom.
  5. Read to Your Child
    Check out our list of recommended books below for kindergarten students. Start reading books before school starts during storytime so that your child has a better idea of what going to school will be like.

    1. Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
    2. The King of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes
    3. Look out Kindergarten, Here I Come by Nancy Carlson
  6. Be an Advocate
    If your child needs any special services, talk to the administration and the classroom teachers in advance to find out who provides them. Ask if the services are provided inside or outside the kindergarten classroom. If your child has an individualized education plan from preschool, find out how that plan transfers over to kindergarten.
  7. Network With Other Parents
    Talking with other parents is a great way to build a support system to help you through all the challenges of parenthood. Ask the school what supports are available for parents and what opportunities are provided for parents to meet, such as parent groups, school councils, or other committees that you can join.
  8. Prepare for Breakfast and Lunch
    Find out if your school provides breakfast and/or lunch and plan accordingly. Your child may be used to eating at certain times at home or at an early childhood center, so explain how mealtimes may be changing. If your child will be buying lunch, get a menu from the school. Find out how food preferences are honored. For instance, some schools ask for a doctor’s note for food allergies.
  9. Decrease Naptime
    Some schools may offer a resting period, but many don’t. So it’s a good idea to wean children off naps before the first day of kindergarten.
  10. Make Afterschool Plans
    If your child will be in after school care, make those arrangements as soon as possible. Find out what afterschool care options your school offers and how much it costs. Make sure your child knows what the plans are and that you pick up your child on time or early so they don’t get anxious waiting for you. Create a backup plan with other parents, who you can rely on to pick up your child if you are running late.

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You and your child may feel excited—or apprehensive—about the first day of preschool. This is a big transition for children, especially those going to school for the first time. Children will learn many social and emotional and academic skills in preschool that will help them throughout their school careers, so it’s important to help children feel comfortable in the classroom.

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Checklist To Navigate the Transition to Preschool

To help your child get the most out of the preschool experience, we asked a Start Early expert for some advice for parents handling this transition. Annaliese Newmeyer a teacher at Educare Chicago, a program of Start Early, shared her tips to help you and your child prepare for preschool.

Before the first day:

  • Drive or walk by your child’s new school. Seeing their school ahead of time will help familiarize them with their new space. You can show them where things are like the main door and the playlot. This will help your child feel more comfortable with the space and how things will look on their first day.
  • Meet with the teacher. Meeting your child’s teacher ahead of their first day is very helpful for both you and your little learner. At this meeting, you can help your child learn their new teacher’s name and give your child a chance to become comfortable with them. You can also take this time to ask the teacher what your child will be learning and what skills they expect children to have on day one. Then, you can set some realistic and developmentally-appropriate goals for your child. For example, do you work on your child’s reading? Together you can set goals that can help your child develop early literacy skills, like being able to recognize their name and the letters in their name.
  • Celebrate this milestone. This can be the beginning of a tradition to say goodbye to Summer and hello to the school year! Maybe you and your child go get an ice cream sundae or go to a baseball game or stay up late and watch movies and eat snacks together.

On the first day:

  • Be prepared. Bring a bookbag with a change of clothes, a favorite blanket or stuffed animal for nap time, and even a picture of your family. Having something that reminds your child of home with help them feel more at ease in their new environment.
  • Make sure your child eats a good breakfast and gets some rest. Your child’s school might give them breakfast, but it might be later, and you don’t want them to be too hungry!
  • Expect the first day to be easy but it might get hard the second day or the second week when reality sets in that they must return to school every single weekday.
  • Explain to your child that this will be a hard transition for you too! You will miss them, and they will have to meet new people and have new experiences but each day will get easier.
  • Make sure you say goodbye, do not sneak away. Have the same goodbye every day; we call this a goodbye ritual. It can be a hug, a special handshake or a dance! This ritual will help your child learn what to expect when you come to class and will help ease their anxiety when you leave.


  • Ask questions! Ask your child’s teacher how each day is going and what you can do to help make it better. And be sure to ask your child how their day was. At first, they might just say nothing, but as you ask them every day, their answers will become more and more descriptive.
  • Volunteer in the classroom if you can. Get to know the other kids and parents. This is your new community, your new village and you are there to support each other!
  • Be Open: Covid has affected children in many different ways.  We are seeing more children who are qualifying for services, such as speech therapy, due to having to wear masks or seeing adults wear mask, when they were first learning to talk.  These type of Early Invention services are so important for children to receive; they are free and the earlier they get them, the less likely they will need them later in life!

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Advances in brain research show that children are born learning and that their first three years of life in particular are important indicators for the success they can have later in school and in life. Early experiences that are language-rich and nurturing promote healthy brain development. So finding a quality early learning setting is essential for parents who work and seek child care.

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Checklist To Prepare for a New Child Care Setting

Once you’ve found a quality setting—from a center-based program to home child care to a relative’s house—here’s some advice from our expert Teresa Bennett a family support specialist at Educare Chicago, a program of Start Early, on how you can prepare your child for their first day of daycare:

  • Visit the Child Care Center
    To help your child get to know the new environment, visit the child care center with your child before the first day. You and your child can meet the caregiver. Take photos of the route to the center, the center entrance and the room where your child will spend the day. You can assemble the photos as a book, which you can use to talk to your child at home about what their day will be like and where they will go.
  • Talk to Your Child
    To help prepare your infant or toddler to go to out-of-home care, explain using language and concepts they will understand about where they’ll be going and what they’ll be doing. Talk about how they will meet new children and participate in fun activities. Always mention that you’ll be back at the end of the day to take them home.
  • Build a Relationship With the Caregiver
    Your young child may not be able to talk, but they can observe your actions. They’ll form their opinion of the caregiver based on your reactions. Make time each day to talk to the caregiver and begin building a strong relationship. Caregivers at quality early learning programs see parents as partners and will want to develop a strong relationship with you, your child’s first and most important teacher.
  • Share Information About Your Child
    Talk to the caregiver about your child’s cues, likes, dislikes and temperament. How do they like to be fed, soothed and put to sleep? Your tips will help the caregiver know how to best care for your child without having to guess which methods to try. You can also explain what developmental skills you’d like your child to learn. Ask for daily updates about your child’s progress from the caregiver.
  • Create a Morning Routine
    Routines help children feel in control of their surroundings, which eases anxiety. Create a morning routine so your infant or toddler knows what to expect before going to the child care center. Find out if the center provides breakfast so you know whether or not your child needs to eat at home.
  • Develop a Goodbye Ritual
    Create a goodbye ritual so that your infant or toddler starts to feel comfortable with their caregiver when you leave. Your ritual could be a hug, a high five or interacting together with a toy before you leave. Whatever activity you choose, make sure you take time to talk to your child about what’s happening and don’t rush the process. Once your child becomes used to the goodbye ritual, they’ll be better able to regulate their emotions so that they can calm themself more easily when you go. Learn more about separation anxiety.
  • Bring a Transitional Object
    Your child may feel more at ease in a new environment with an object that reminds them of home. This could be a photo of your family that’s laminated or a stuffed animal that your child enjoys. The child can hold the object during the day as a reminder that this new environment is temporary and that you will come back to take them home.
  • Ask What You Can Do at Home
    To extend your child’s learning, ask the caregiver what school readiness skills the children will be working on during the day and what related activities you can do at home. The reverse is also true: share information about what activities you are doing at home that your child is interested in and ask if the teacher can do something similar in class.
  • Complete Any Medical Requirements
    Find out from the school or center what doctor or dentist appointments must be completed or scheduled before the first day.
  • Bring a Change of Clothes
    It’s a good idea to bring a change of clothes for your infant or toddler in case they encounter any water, finger paint, etc. Also, ask the center if you need to bring diapers or formula for your child.
  • Share Your Contact Information
    Let the caregiver know if it’s best to reach you by phone or email and share that contact information.

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