In our fast-paced world it can feel like issues of violence and racism are dominating the content we consume from the news to social media to conversations with our friends and loved ones. While we are all working to process our thoughts, feelings and emotions around these difficult topics, so are our little ones. They are seeing these topics play out around them and, more importantly, they’re watching how the adults in their lives are responding. They might not be able to fully grasp what is going on, but even our youngest learners are picking up on our emotions in these challenging times.

That’s why here at the Start Early we created this series, Tackling Tough Topics with Your Little One, to give you helpful advice from our experts as well as tips to navigate discussing difficult topics such as violence, racism and loss with your children.

Why Racism?

The racially charged murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd have been in the spotlight recently, but for every high-profile death that makes national news, thousands of similar incidents are quickly dismissed or ignored. As our country works to dismantle and rebuild in the wake of these violent events, it’s important to remember that even though your child may be too young to understand it, they are seeing how racial injustice and anti-Black sentiment are playing out on a national stage. Children as young as 6 months old begin to notice race-based differences, and by age 2 children are beginning to internalize racial biases. That is why it is so important to talk to your children about racism and discrimination early on and in an age appropriate way.

How to Address the Topic of Racism

  • Five things to remember as a parent when talking to your child about racism:
    • Remember to take care of yourself. Do not binge on news and social media. Watch what you need to stay informed and then make sure you process the information in a health way.
      • Use mindfulness activities, exercise, spending time with your family, or music and movement activities, etc.
    • Practice what you want to say ahead of time. These conversations can bring up a lot of uncertainty and fear in parents, too. It’s ok to call a friend or family member and practice ahead of time so that you will feel more comfortable when the time comes to talk to your child.
    • Be aware of your own biases. Your child is paying attention to your behavior and learning from how you act and react in different situations.
    • Be open to your child’s questions around racism and encourage them to come to you with them. Remember, it’s ok if you don’t have all of the answers.
    • Consider that this conversation is approached very differently between Black and white parents.
      • The “talk” in Black families is often started very early, usually around when the child is 4 years old and includes:
        • Don’t resist police.
        • Don’t run when approached by police
        • Don’t talk back
        • When in a store, do not run and keep your hands visible at all times
        • Don’t think that just because your white friend can do it, you can to
        • Do stay close to your parent at all times
      • For white families sometimes the talk happens much later, or not at all, and parents don’t know where to start. If you are struggling to have the “talk” with your child, here are a few things to keep in mind:
        • Children aren’t colorblind, all children develop racial prejudices unless their parents engage them directly about it, which is why talking about racism is so important.
        • Be direct and intentional, use the words race and racism when talking about this topic.
        • Lead by example to help your child understand why it’s so important to be anti-racist
        • It’s ok to point out that skin color doesn’t have much biological significance, but skin color does have a lot of historical importance.
        • If your child does say or do something racist, help them to understand that it’s not ok. You can thank them for being honest, and even admit if you’ve felt that way before. But explain why it’s racist and wrong. Intention doesn’t matter, even if they didn’t mean it, comments and actions still do harm, and they need to know that.
  • For Infants and Toddlers
    • Read picture books—make sure they see images of themselves reflected in the pictures at storytime.
    • Make sure you present different races and cultures through books, toys, food, languages, etc.
    • Reinforce that difference is not bad—recognize and celebrate differences.
  • For Children Ages 3-5
    • Read books
      • If all of the characters in the book look the same, ask your child what they think about that.
      • Add different books that show black and brown children of different cultures being the hero or solving the problem.
      • Introduce age appropriate books the discuss topics of Civil/Human Rights, Discrimination.
    • This might sound simple, but it’s actually pretty important—ask your child how they feel. You know your child best and can sense when they are upset. Try asking what they might be worried about or afraid of so you can reinforce that you are there to protect and support them.
    • Use the idea of fairness to help describe how racism is unfair and unacceptable; young children understand the concept of fairness very well, and this will help them understand why we need to work together to make it better.

Other Resources

Stay tuned for the next article in our series which will cover how to talk to your little ones about loss. Connect with us for more resources, tips and expert advice.

The term doula is one that most people might think of when it comes to celebrity pregnancies, but know little else about. At the Start Early, we know that creating strong bonds between parents and babies is crucial to a baby’s future development. Our Healthy Parents & Babies program’s doulas and home visitors serve children and families, beginning prenatally and through age 3. Our doulas and home visitors are trained professionals who provide the highest level of care to help families from under-resourced communities thrive. In the wake of COVID-19 crisis, our program has had to adapt services to a virtual format to continue to meet families’ needs while keeping everyone safe and healthy. ­­

But first, what is a doula?

A doula is trained professional who provides continuous educational, emotional and physical support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth to help achieve the healthiest pregnancy, labor and delivery possible. Doulas support and comfort mothers and help them to have a safe and memorable birthing experience. A doula is responsible for informing and educating families about the different medical interventions, comfort measures, patient rights and other topics related to childbirth and post-partum education. Typically, doulas accept mothers who are entering into their third trimester. Doulas are required to have a series of monthly home visits with the participants to ensure they are able to not only retain the information, but to also make informed decisions.

What is the difference between a doula and a home visitor?

doula coaches mothers through pregnancy and the first few weeks of their baby’s life. This helps the mother to develop healthy habits prior to birth, prepare for a successful pregnancy, labor and delivery, and create strong bonds with the baby. Our Healthy Parents & Babies program empowers mothers to make the right decisions for herself and advocate for her child’s health.

Once the baby is born, families transition from a doula to a home visitor who helps continue building a strong relationship between parent(s) and their baby, creating a safe and stimulating home environment, developing healthy eating routines for the family and connecting families to health care resources. Parents learn activities and habits that will stimulate their child’s brain development to help them thrive.

Why are doulas/home visitors important during a child’s early stages of life?

Doulas are important during pregnancy as they provide education to women about the stages of pregnancy, changes to their body and fetal development. Doulas also provide support to pregnant women during labor and delivery by providing comfort measures, support and guidance to advocate for their laboring and delivery preferences.

Home visitors are important during a child’s early stages of life as they provide families with individual educational support with early attachment and learning about their child’s growth and development. Home visitors also support families with individual parent-child education and recognize that parents and caregivers are the child’s first teacher.

What does doula/home visiting look like at Healthy Parents & Babies?

Start Early’s Healthy Parents & Babies Program offers support and coaching to pregnant women, young parents and children birth through age 3. Each family is provided with an individualized home visiting plan that is tailored to meet their needs. Pregnant women learn about their pregnancy and their child’s growth and development. Home visits include story time, parent-child development activities, parent reflections and planning for the next home visit.

How has Healthy Parents & Babies adapted services during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Out of an abundance of caution for the health and well-being of our families, doulas, home visitors and family support staff, Healthy Parents & Babies has moved all of its work to a virtual format in the wake of the current health crisis.

Our doula’s have continued to support families with weekly virtual check-ins and support during labor and delivery. Our home visitors have maintained contact with their families on their scheduled home visit day by checking-in via cellphone, FaceTime, messenger, Class Dojo and Zoom.

Our family support specialists have been maintaining weekly contact with parents and providing information on proper hand washing, symptoms of COVID-19 and locations where families can get tested for COVID-19. Family support staff have also continued to provide weekly check-ins with families that include well-being checks, and information on resources such as: support services for unemployment, community food pantries and resources for immigrant families.

What makes Healthy Parents & Babies unique?

Healthy Parents & Babies serves children and families prenatally through age 3. Women can enter our program at any stage of their pregnancy, and after their children are born, they transition to our Early Head Start home visiting program. Program participation is not limited to first-time mothers or first-time participants in the program. Participants must meet Early Head Start income eligibility guidelines.

We also support families with children who have special needs through individualized lesson plans which are inclusive to the child’s Individual Family Service Plan. Our team serves a diverse population, and we employ bilingual staff to support the families we serve.

Our families genuinely love the program, their doulas and home visitors:

“Healthy Parents & Babies has helped not only my family but every family in this program and I can only speak for myself, but we will forever be grateful that during this time you are able to help us.” –Elizabeth H.

“I’m really thankful with all of you for all your support, I know it’s a lot of people who are a part of the program that don’t even know me. But Rosa and Vicky thank you so much you are always there for us, in the times when I even need to talk to someone you have been there, always trying to look for help for us. And loving my girls. I will be sure to tell my girls all about my experience with you all and pray that they grow up to help and care for the next family in need of help. Thank you so much!” –Debbie C.

Other program benefits include:

  • Prenatal and parent group meetings
  • Events to socialize and interact with other children and parents
  • Literacy events
  • Male involvement groups
  • Limited transportation assistance
  • Services for children with special needs

In our fast-paced world it can feel like issues of violence and racism are dominating the content we consume from the news to social media to conversations with our friends and loved ones. While we are all working to process our thoughts, feelings and emotions around these difficult topics, so are our little ones. They are seeing these topics play out around them and, more importantly, they’re watching how the adults in their lives are responding. They might not be able to fully grasp what is going on, but even our youngest learners are picking up on our emotions in these challenging times.

That’s why here at Start Early we created this series, Tackling Tough Topics with Your Little One, to give you helpful advice from our experts as well as tips to navigate discussing difficult topics such as violence, racism and loss with your children. During the first installation of our series, Kristie Norwood, Start Early grantee education manager, shares tips and resources on how to address the topic of violence with your child.

Why Violence?

To say that recent events in our country have been violent would be an understatement. Children see the violence happening around them whether that is on television, at school or simply by hearing what the adults in their lives are saying. Even though very young children may not be able to talk about these topics in depth, they can still pick up on and respond to how the adults in their lives feel. It is important to address the topic of violence with your young children to make sure that they have accurate information and can learn how to handle their emotions. Most importantly you want to make sure to reinforce that that you love your child and that you all are working as a family to be safe and to help keep others safe, too.

How to Address the Topic of Violence

  • For Infants and Toddlers

    • It’s critical to instill a feeling of safety and security with your infants and toddlers. Their well-being is linked to the strength of their relationships with their caregivers.
    • Let your child know that it is their job is to be a kid, and your job as their parent is to keep them safe.
    • Let them know that you are staying safe and are trying to be safe in everything that you do.
    • Even babies can sense if you are sad or upset, so as much as it might be difficult for you, try not to expose your children to your anxiety around this topic. It might be helpful to try a few mindfulness activities to reduce stress, such as breathing exercises or repeating positive mantras.
    • Work with your child to find a way to identify and process their own feelings of anger, stress, fear and anxiety in a healthy way. For example, you could ask them to draw a picture about how they are feeling and talk about it.
    • Talk with your child about their feelings and reassure them that you are there to love and support them.
  • For Children Ages 3-5

    • Have conversations about what they are talking about at school with their friends—this will let you know if they are discussing current events.
    • When your child starts to discuss topics like gun violence, death or police brutality, let them. It is only natural for them to be curious. Use this as a learning opportunity to ask how they feel about these topics.
    • When your child asks you a question, keep your answers short and focused on what you and your family can do to be safe.
    • Remember to stay calm and use simple language that your child will understand. And if you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to say just that.
  • For Both Age Groups

    • One of the best ways to start a conversation with your child is through books. Pick an age-appropriate book on the topic for storytime and then start to read. Your child’s questions will naturally develop from there.
    • Ask your child questions like: How do feel about that? Tell me more about that? Why do you think they are angry?
    • Monitor your child’s television viewing and screen time to prevent “overload.” This will help to ensure that you know what kind of content your child is consuming.
    • Try to limit your own viewing of the news or other potentially violent content to times when your child is either asleep or not in the room.
    • Explain the concept of safety using examples your child will understand. For example: Remember how we hold hands when we go outside so you don’t get lost? That is one way we stay safe. We work very hard to make sure that we can be as safe as possible.

Other Resources

Gardening is great way for children to experience nature and science by exploring how things grow and where food comes from while offering opportunities for lessons in math, language, social interactions and cultures.

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Early Childhood Gardening Tips

  1. Get your child excited about gardening. Create dedicated beds or boxes for your child to use for gardening to create a connection for him to watch as his garden grows.
  2. Bring gardening inside. You can encourage your child’s engagement with the garden inside the home by studying plants and foods and reading related books. One idea is to read “Jack and the Beanstalk”. After reading the book, you and your child can plant, estimate, measure and document her own beanstalk’s growth.
  3. Involve your family. Gardens are a great place to bring your family together. Children will enjoy taking family members on a walk through their garden. When it comes time to harvest, you can teach your family how to make healthy meals with the fruits of your labor.
  4. Let your child explore. They can take a magnifying glass into the garden and discover insects living in the dirt and among the plants. Encourage grazing and nibbling as your child works in her garden.

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Recommended for Preschoolers

Materials Needed:

  • Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert
  • A pencil, crayon, pen or other writing tool, and paper
  • Grocery store advertisements and scissors

Developmental Goals: 

  • Identify a variety of healthy food options, in this case fruits and vegetables.
  • Associate letters with the beginning sounds of words.
  • Recognize upper and lower case letters. Categorize produce as either a fruit or a vegetable.

In the Future:

  • The more opportunities young children have to explore a variety of foods, the more likely that they will eat a varied and healthy diet as they grow.
  • As children build their understanding of letters and the sounds they make, they will begin to piece letters together in invented spelling.
  • The ability to categorize objects is a beginning math skill that children will later build upon as they identify the properties of shapes and understand how to complete a pattern.


  1. Introduce the book to your child.  As with any new book, take time to allow her to explore the book’s pictures on her own before sitting down to read it out loud.
  2. As you read the book, invite her to talk about the foods she sees on each page.
  3. In addition to simply identifying the fruits and vegetables, talk about which ones she likes, which ones she wants to try, or what recipes you could make with the foods.
  4. If your child has shown an interest in the alphabet, invite her to tell you the letters she recognizes.
  5. For more letter play, you can encourage her to make connections among the letter sounds and the first letter of the foods on each page.
  6. After enjoying the book a few times, invite your child to guess which foods are fruits and which are vegetables. You can extend on this idea by bringing out grocery store advertisements from the newspaper and having her cut out pictures of fruits and vegetables. Once she cuts out the pictures, have her sort them into two piles: a fruit pile and a vegetable pile.
  7. You can take this further by having your child create a grocery list of fruits and vegetables by either drawing pictures of the foods, writing letters to represent the beginning sounds of each food, or using invented spelling. At the store, ask your child to look closely for the foods that she put on your list.

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As our country has slowly started to reopen amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many schools and child care centers have been weighing their options when it comes to welcoming students back. Our early childhood center, Educare Chicago, after much careful consideration, made the decision to reopen and eagerly prepared to welcome children, families and educators back earlier this month.

Educare Chicago has been a lifeline to many parents throughout this time. The school serves families from under-resourced communities by providing high-quality child care and resources to their families.

I am thankful for everyone and all the work that you have done, knowing how hard it can be for everyone who works there, since you all have families, children and other various things going on in your personal lives.

Dion, an Educare Chicago parent
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Educare staff support parents as the primary nurturers and educators of their children. That support didn’t stop when the school closed back in March. Educare Chicago teachers and staff have been with parents every step of the way, providing helpful learning resources, spare masks and messages of encouragement.

“I appreciate you all so much for all you do,” another parent said of the support she’s received from the school. We know that these early years of a child’s education are critical to their future success in school. The current health crisis has shown just how important it is for working families to have access to high-quality early learning for their children. Without early childhood centers and schools being open, the families we serve are forced to stay home due to lack of child care and are unable to go to work, making it almost impossible to make ends meet. No parent should have to choose between providing care for their children or losing needed income.

What does back to school look like during COVID-19?

Both Illinois Governor Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lightfoot determined that child care programs could reopen if specific requirements were met prior to accepting students back into the building. The safety of the children, families and educators at Educare Chicago has been paramount to the school’s leadership team and has informed their decision making every step of the way. The school established a Reopening Committee to help plan for the many requirements mandated by the City of Chicago and the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to reopen their school. Prior to its reopening, the school also submitted a written plan to DCFS.

In accordance with state and city requirements, Educare Chicago resumed center-based school operations on Monday, August 3, and is allowed to serve a limited number of children. Educare Chicago is committed to safely providing comprehensive services for children and families. The school has had to adapt some practices due to the new rules and regulations. Several of the changes that have been put in place to ensure children, families and staff are safe include:

  • Screening children and staff daily prior to entry into the school
  • Limiting access to children throughout the day
  • Increased cleaning and sanitation practices
  • Social distancing and wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff and children over age 2
  • Increased square footage of 50 square feet per child
  • Excluding children and staff when there is a cough, temperature, diarrhea, rash or any COVID-19 symptoms
  • 6 feet of space between cribs and sleeping cots
  • Installation of protective barriers
  • Updating policies and procedures

What is Educare Chicago?

Educare Chicago was founded in 2000 as an innovative early childhood education program providing comprehensive services to children and families in under-resourced neighborhoods on Chicago’s South Side. Educare has spawned a national network of 25 schools and has reimagined what it means to educate our earliest learners.

Educare Chicago was founded by Start Early after years of working with children and families in the Grand Boulevard community. The Start Early’s work prior to the opening of Educare Chicago provided critical insight into the Educare Model. Based on four core principles: intensive family engagement, continual professional development, high-quality teaching practices and data utilization, the Educare model has been shown to prepare children for kindergarten in multiple developmental categories.

Don’t underestimate the incredible thinking skills that young children have. Through this activity, your toddler will learn about the idea of perspective by using everyday objects and comparing their sizes.

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Materials Needed:

  • Paper (can be a newspaper, magazines, paper bags, notebook paper, etc.)
  • A pencil or other writing tool
  • Tape (optional)

Developmental Goals:

  • Understand the idea of larger and smaller.
  • Increase the use of mathematical vocabulary such as larger than or smaller than.
  • Support understanding of ordering objects by size (smallest to largest or largest to smallest).

In the Future:

  • The ability to order objects by size will build the foundation for the understanding that numbers represent different amounts.
  • Your toddler’s ability to compare two or more objects by size will build prior knowledge that will allow her to compare two or more objects by other factors (color, texture, speed, weight, etc) that will be useful in further math and science understanding.
  • Understanding the concepts of bigger and smaller is a foundation skill for eventually understanding fractions and parts of a whole.

At-Home Activity:

  1. With your toddler, trace their hand (or foot).  Also trace your hand and the hands (or feet) of any other family members, neighbors, or caregivers.
  2. Either tape the traced hands (feet) on the wall or lay them on the floor.  Do so randomly at first.
  3. Ask your child to find a handprint that is the same size as theirs. Challenge them by asking, “I wonder if you can find a print that is larger/smaller than yours?” You can also ask them to choose a print that they think may be the same size/larger/smaller than yours or other members of the household.
  4. When your toddler is finished exploring the sizes of the prints, challenge them to line the prints up from smallest to largest or from biggest to smallest.  As they do so, guide them by asking “I wonder how we can decide which print to start with?” or “I wonder which print should come next?” As your child works, don’t correct any “mistakes.” Rather, when they’re is finished, look at the order with them and ask if the prints look as though they are lined up from smallest to biggest. Encourage your child to compare each print to observe the different sizes.

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From a child’s first soccer team to recreational softball leagues to rooting for your favorite team, sports hold an iconic place in our lives. And they play an equally important role in helping children’s development in the early years.

It’s easy to see how sports can help with children’s gross and fine motor skills development. Less obvious, but just as critical, is the role that sports and play-based learning activities have in social-emotional development and speech and language development.

Be a Good Sport

As babies grow into toddlers, they gradually start to regulate their emotions. Playing sports with others gives them the opportunity to experience feelings such as joy, frustration, pride and patience in a non-threatening situation. To help them develop social-emotional skills, try:

  1. Naming emotions as they play. “Suzy, great job catching that ball – you must be so proud of yourself!”
  2. Help your child regulate his emotions when he is upset by talking about their feelings. “Tyler, I can see that you’re upset about missing the goal – let’s talk about why you’re upset.”

As children continue to grow and begin to play on teams, they develop teamwork skills that will be invaluable on and off the field. Team sports also provide a great opportunity to encourage empathy while learning new skills and celebrating successes. Try these tips to make sure your child will win the sportsmanship award:

  1. Model the behavior you want to see – cheer as loudly for all the children on the team as you do for your child. Encourage your child to be a “cheerleader” for their team.
  2. Reinforce the importance of taking turns at shooting the basket or practicing on the balance beam.

Hat Tricks, Fartleks and Setter

Every sport comes with a vocabulary of its own. Which means more and more opportunities to expose your children to new and varied language! From silly to repetitious to obscure, how do you make the most of this treasure trove?

  1. As your child plays, name actions and items that are involved in their sport. Kick, run, pass, racquet, ball, tee, somersault…..the list is endless.
  2. Have your child put the game into their own words – ask them to tell you how the game works.

We can’t guarantee that your child will become the next Serena Williams, David Beckham, Simone Biles or Derek Jeter, but we do know that time spent playing sports in the early years will pay off in many other ways!

When the reality of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was clear many months ago, Start Early and our partners quickly pivoted to support our youngest learners virtually, and we’re continuing to innovate and evolve to ensure our most vulnerable children and families don’t get left behind as the pandemic stretches on.

One of our strongest partnerships is with the Educare Learning Network. In 2000, Start Early developed the first Educare school in Chicago to provide high-quality care, education, and a stimulating learning environment for children birth to age 5. Since then, we have partnered to create 24 Educare schools across the country to provide children in under-resourced communities with quality early learning experiences. In accordance with CDC recommendations, 22 of the 24 operating schools within the Educare Learning Network are currently closed, with 2 schools having reopened to provide essential services at a reduced capacity. But that does not mean our early learning programs have stopped. From online lesson plans to reading and singing sessions via Facebook Lives, our educators are helping to ensure children and families have the resources they need during these challenging times.

Beyond center-based programs, we are ensuring that the families and parents-to-be we serve through traditional home visits and doula services are supported in this new environment as well. Home visitors are finding innovative ways to connect with their families utilizing everything from phone calls, texts, web-based platforms, snail mail, picking up and delivering their school lunches and sending care packages with diapers and wipes, board books, and activities. Read more on how our programs are keeping families connected to resources during the COVID-19 crisis.

While we must support the children and families we work with, we cannot do that without supporting the teachers and practitioners who work most closely with them. We are restructuring our training and professional development services to ensure early childhood professionals can adapt to this rapidly evolving landscape. From quickly converting in-person, in-classroom, training material to an online platform to “virtual drop-in groups” for home visitors, we are changing the way we support the early childhood field. We also launched a new online hub for early childhood professionals – the Early Childhood Connector – to ensure they can quickly connect and share what is working across the country in the wake of COVID-19.

Over the past several months, both the strengths and shortcomings of systems and supports for young children and families in the United States have been illuminated. While strength and innovation have shown through, we‘ve also seen the harsh realities of the families we serve. Many do not have the necessities (food, internet access, etc.) needed to support a healthy learning environment on their own. While we do not know what the future holds, Start Early is committed to ensuring that when the dust settles, the state of early education and care in America is better, stronger, and more equitable than ever before.

Early Childhood Hero: Brittany Evans
Brittany Evans
Early Childhood Hero: Jackie Evans
Jackie Evans

In 2014, Congress addressed the child care crisis by appropriating $500 million to expand access to Early Head Start, which included the creation of a new Early Head Start–Child Care Partnerships program (Partnerships). Tulsa Educare was awarded two of the three Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships grants (rounds 1 and 3) and currently supports six family child care homes and one center, with additional centers set to open in August 2020. One of the child care homes that Tulsa Educare currently partners with is Aunt Jackie’s Family Childcare owned and operated by Jacqueline (Jackie) Evans.

We recently interviewed Jackie Evans along with Brittany Egger, the director of Child Care Partnerships and Quality Assurance at Tulsa Educare. They shared their thoughts on the impact of the Partnerships on the Tulsa community, the challenges they face, and their hopes for the future of infant/toddler care.

  1. Tell us a little bit about your relationship/partnership. How did it originally come to be? What does it look like now?
    Jackie and I met after we received notification that we were awarded the [EHS-CCP Partnerships] grant. Unbeknownst to us, Jackie and Caren Calhoun, our executive director at the time, had worked with each other years before. This helped jump-start her trust with Tulsa Educare. We began slowly. The first time I went to her house we just sat at her kitchen table and she told me about her program. I observed the children and did parent engagement events to build trust with her staff and her families.
  2. From your perspective, what has been the impact of the Partnerships program across the Tulsa community?
    Family Child Care Homes are an integral part of the Tulsa community. The level of family partnerships and bonding that occurs is hard to duplicate in a center-based program. Jackie has a passion for increasing the number of high-quality family child care homes across her community. With our newest Partnerships grant, we chose to partner with five new family child care homes.
  3. What challenges have you faced participating in the Partnerships program? How have you addressed those challenges?
    With any change there are challenges. How are we going to do all this new required paperwork? When do we have time for this in our already busy day? With the staff, are they going to want to go back to school to get their Child Development Associate Certificates? All of these were challenges. However, working together to restructure daily schedules and assign responsibilities to all staff, we were able to easily adjust to the new regulations and demands. Jackie’s staff completed their CDAs within their first year, and have now completed both their Certificate of Mastery and are working on their Associate Degrees. The new regulations were challenging, but brought a level of professionalism to the home that wasn’t there before.
  4. What is your big, bold hope for the future of infant/toddler care in Oklahoma?
    That all children have equal access to high-quality programs and caregivers have more options for specific infant/toddler training. Additionally, that Oklahoma can bridge the divide between child care programs and public school programs. We hope for these things because we all know that the quality of care, experiences, and opportunities children have in the very early years can predict future success.

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