On December 7th, 2024, Start Early partnered with the Mayor’s Office, Chicago Public Schools, and the Every Child Ready Chicago (ECRC) Advisory Committee to host the inaugural ECRC Strengthening Inclusion Symposium, which brought together nearly 100 early childhood professionals, families and advocates to explore resources, participate in professional development and engage in meaningful discussion about how to best support young children with disabilities in Chicago. This event was made possible with contributions from early childhood organizations across the city who came together to lend expertise, share resources and facilitate trainings and activities for professionals and families – and through generous support from Crown Family Philanthropies.  

For a full list of the day’s events, check out the event program.

The Symposium opened with remarks from the Mayor’s Office and Chicago Public Schools, highlighting the importance of ensuring inclusive environments for children with disabilities in early childhood settings, as well as a powerful keynote address from Jaclyn Vasquez, an advocate and parent who shared her family’s inspiring story navigating the Early Intervention and Special Education systems in Illinois.  

From there, attendees were invited to break out into sessions focused on best practices for inclusion in early childhood classrooms, managing mental health needs and alternatives to suspension and expulsion in early childhood programs and resources for navigating the transition from Early Intervention to Special Education in Chicago. These sessions offered professional development credit and were led by experts from the University of Denver, Birth to Five Illinois: Region 1-A, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago Public Schools and STAR NET 

Throughout the day, attendees were invited to visit exhibit tables hosted by 15 organizations that answered questions, distributed materials and resources and engaged some of the event’s youngest attendees in fun, educational activities.  

Finally, the event closed with Illinois Action for Children sharing impactful research on the experiences of families and providers in Chicago in searching for and providing child care for children with disabilities, and Start Early’s policy team sharing ongoing opportunities to advocate for better systems of support across the state. To learn more about these efforts, visit startearly.org/InclusionMatters 

The success of this event relied not only on the participation of experts and resource-providers, but on the dedication of families and professionals who came ready with questions, reflections and stories to share in service of improving supports for young children with disabilities in Chicago ages birth -5.  

Follow along as the impactful work of this event and more continues through the launch of work groups in January to begin working toward the goals of the Every Child Ready Chicago Strategic Framework 

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Earlier this week, Governor JB Pritzker selected Dr. Teresa Ramos as his pick to run the Illinois Department of Early Childhood (IDEC). Dr. Ramos is a long-time partner and friend to Start Early, having worked with us both inside and outside state government to improve the lives of young children and their families. 

“Dr. Ramos is an excellent choice to lead the Department of Early Childhood,” Celena Sarillo, Executive Director of Start Early Illinois, said. “We now know IDEC will be headed by a smart, principled and dedicated public servant who hopes to build a state agency that works for children, their families and the entire early childhood workforce.” 

The Department of Early Childhood, of which Dr. Ramos will be Secretary pending Senate confirmation, aims to improve access to critical early learning and care services by better aligning and coordinating programs, data and policies. The new agency is central to the governor’s ongoing plans to strengthen and expand early childhood programing across the state. 

Beginning in July of 2026, IDEC will administer the Child Care Assistance Program, the Early Intervention program, evidence-based home visiting programs, as well as infant, toddler and preschool programs currently funded by the State Board of Education. It will also license and monitor child care programs.   

Start Early looks forward to deepening our partnership with Dr. Ramos and collaborating with her growing team at IDEC in the months and years to come. 

Washington Capitol in October

The Capitol building on a calm October day.

(Photo Credit: Erica Hallock)


Who cast the first Electoral vote for Ronald Reagan in the 1976 election? Hint: they are a current Washington State Senator.

Bonus Question: What did former Governor John Spellman call this now State Senator and his then-group of House Republican colleagues during the 1982 state budget crisis?

State Budget Shortfall Woes to Dominate 2025 Legislative Session

With the 2025 legislative session right around the corner, all attention is on the state’s growing budget shortfall. Here are some resources and context to help understand Washington’s precarious financial situation.

OFM Director Calls on State Agencies to Prepare Budget Reductions:

On November 8, Office of Financial Management (OFM) Director Pat Sullivan released a memo to state agency directors, statewide elected officials and presidents of higher educational institutions directing them to work with their OFM analyst to propose budget reduction options for the 2025 supplemental budgets and the 2025-27 biennial budgets by November 15, 2024.

In the memo, Director Sullivan projects a budget deficit ranging from $10-12 billion over the four-year outlook. In short, the state’s current revenue is insufficient to meet current commitments.

Director Sullivan suggests agencies consider actions that will produce immediate savings such as hiring freezes, delaying programs that have not yet been implemented, identifying under-expenditures and use of non-State General Fund wherever possible.

On November 19, the OFM website was updated to include a Budget Reduction FAQ and on November 20, the site was updated to include the various state agency budget reduction options. It is important to emphasize these are all just options and the budget writing process has just begun. If an item is on one of these lists, it does not mean a reduction is imminent.

Resources: To learn more about Washington’s fiscal outlook, here are a few resources.

State Revenue Forecast:

On November 20, the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council met to receive the latest revenue forecast from its Executive Director, Dave Reich. The bottom line is Near- General Fund collections are down $400 million through 2029 from the September 2024 forecast.

This breaks down as:

  • 2023-25 biennium (current): (-$89M)
  • 2025-27 biennium: (-$181M)
  • 2027-29 biennium: ($-131M)

The primary reasons for the drop in revenue, that continue to be lower than forecasted, are retail sales and reduced Business and Occupation Tax collections. The forecast suggests that reduced inflation and lower interest rates will lead to improved revenue growth. So, good news on the horizon, hopefully.

Overall state revenues are projected to grow 2.6% between the 2021-23 and 2023-25 biennia and by 7.6% between 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia.

When asked about plans for Governor Inslee’s final budget, OFM Director Pat Sullivan replied that they are considering the release of a “book one” budget consisting of all-cuts as well as a “book two” budget that would offset some of the cuts with new revenue. Additionally, Sullivan noted that much of the drivers of the budget crunch lie in increased costs in maintenance level expenses and he specifically cited new expenses coming online for the Fair Start for Kids Act for Working Connections Child Care and ECEAP. Finally, Sullivan noted that overall state revenue for the upcoming 2025-27 biennium is down about $1 billion from earlier projections, further challenging the budget process.

Senate Ways and Means Chair June Robinson and House Appropriations Chair Timm Ormsby were asked about their approaches to the budget crisis. Both chairs responded that they are weighing a range of options, including evaluating recommendations from state agencies, recommendations they will receive from the outgoing and incoming Governor, revenue options as well as potentially delaying any ramp-ups of new programs slated to go on-line.

Next Steps for State Budget:

Outgoing Governor Jay Inslee will release one final budget in mid-December. Per state law, he is required to submit a balanced budget. With our state’s projected deficit, he can meet this requirement by proposing budget cuts, new revenue, or a combination of the two. We will be producing a summary of this budget following its release.

Incoming Governor Bob Ferguson will also have a chance to put his mark on the budget, but given the timing and the scarcity of funding, it is highly likely he will rely on Governor Inslee’s budget as a base.

State Election Results

In what can only be deemed as NON-breaking news, the following is a brief recap of some of the key take-aways from the state election results:

  • Governor-Elect Ferguson hitting the ground running. Shortly after it was clear he was heading from the Attorney General’s Office (AG) to the 2nd Floor of the Legislative Building, Governor-Elect Bob Ferguson announced his senior staff, most of whom he is bringing over from the AG’s office. He also announced a 53-member transition team designed to assist him in preparing for his new role. Note their first meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 22nd – the same day you are receiving this newsletter.
  • Capital Gains Funding Preserved. More than 64% of Washingtonians voted to preserve capital gains funding to support investments in education, including in early learning.
  • New State Senate Leadership. On November 11th, Senate Democrats selected Senator Jamie Pedersen from the 43rd Legislative District in Seattle to serve as its Senate Majority Leader. Senator Pedersen assumes this role after Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig of Spokane announced he would not seek re-election. With this appointment, Washington is the first state in the nation to have both of its chambers led by LGBTQ+ leaders at the same time!
  • New Addition to House Leadership. Earlier this week, House Democrats voted to affirm the leadership of Speaker Laurie Jinkins from the 27th Legislative District in Tacoma as well as Majority Leader Joe Fitzgibbon from the 34th Legislative District in Burien. They also elected Representative Chris Stearns from the 47th Legislative District in Auburn to serve as the new Speaker pro tempore.
  • Democrats pick up one seat in the Senate and one in the House. While the Senate race in the 18th Legislative District is still close and will likely go to a recount, it does appear that the Democrats picked up one seat in both the Senate and the House. If Adrian Cortes prevails over Brad Benton in the 18th Legislative District Senate race, Democrats will hold a 30-19 advantage in the Senate and Democrats will hold a 59-39 advantage in the House (the Democrats picked up a seat in the House in the 26th legislative district when Adison Richards defeated Jesse Young for an open seat that was previously held by Republican Spencer Hutchins who decided not to run for re-election).
  • More legislative changes coming. We’re not quite done yet with the moving chairs. A new Senator will need to be appointed in the 26th legislative district as sitting Senator Emily Randall was elected to Congress. In addition, Senator Karen Keiser of the 33rd legislative district is expected to resign shortly, and her seat will need to be filled. Finally, the seat of Senator Patty Kuderer of the 48th Legislative District will need to be filled after she was elected as the incoming state Insurance Commissioner. Of course, if any of the seats are filled by House members, the process to fill the House seats will begin.
  • Committee Configurations and Assignments. We expect announcements shortly about legislative committee structures, membership and timing. Stay tuned!

Updated Caseload Forecast Released

On November 13, the Washington state Caseload Forecast Council met to release the latest projected caseloads for entitlement programs. The caseload forecasts help project what the state will need to budget for programs ranging from K-12 enrollment to Medicaid to prisons. Together with the revenue forecast, this data will inform the Governor’s budget that will be released in mid-December.

Early Learning Caseload Information


The forecasts are accompanied by narratives that provide greater context and risks to the forecast. Some items of note:

  • Transition to Kindergarten (TTK). The narrative notes that initially TTK was most likely to be offered in smaller and more rural school districts, but that is changing as some larger districts (including some in King and Pierce counties) are beginning to offer TTK. The forecast assumes that each year an additional 135 TTK classrooms will open. There is risk to this forecast because it is an emerging program, and some districts could opt in or out.
  • ECEAP. The forecast notes that while the number of children enrolled in ECEAP is growing, the percentage of occupied slots is still below pre-pandemic levels and most of the enrollment growth since the 2020-21 school year was driven by non-entitlement growth (meaning enrolled students did not meet the enrollment criteria). This forecast reflects current law which provides ECEAP will become an entitlement in the 2026-27 school year.
  • Working Connections Child Care (WCCC). WCCC growth has increased since the last caseload forecast in June. Reasons for this growth include changes to eligibility for WCCC and reductions in family co-payments. As these eligibility changes are absorbed, the rate of growth should slow.

Launch of New Legislative Website

On Nov. 20, the Washington state Legislature debuted a revamped website (also found at leg.wa.gov). The updated website contains much of the same information as the previous version but is packaged in a more navigable manner for the public. It will be populated with the new legislative members and the 2025 committee structure and schedules as that information becomes available. I am personally hoping this latest version will be easy to navigate – we are facing enough change as it is!

Perhaps we will include an upcoming trivia about the evolution of the legislative website…

Start Early Washington Has Resources For You!

Start Early Washington is busy preparing the resources needed to understand how the current political and fiscal climates may impact early learning. Want more information on the Fair Start Act – where we started, where we are, and what’s next? Interested in how early learning facilities expand access to child care? This information and more are available on our Washington Policy Resources page. Added resources, including a weekly bill tracker, will be available during session.

Trivia Answers

Back in 1976, current State Senator Mike Padden of the Spokane Valley served as the elector representing the 5th Congressional District. In 1976, Senator Padden was a recent graduate of Gonzaga Law School and a staunch supporter of Ronald Reagan. Once it was clear Jimmy Carter had enough electoral votes to serve as the 39th President of the United States, Senator Padden cast his electoral vote for Reagan, rather than for Gerald Ford who had bested Carter by 60,000 votes in Washington state.

According to a 2014 Spokesman Review article, Ronald Reagan’s press secretary issued a statement the following day that read “Ronald Reagan thanks Mike Padden for his vote.”

In addition to being the first member of the Electoral College to cast a ballot for Ronald Reagan, the story below explains why Senator Padden will also be remembered as being “the last troglodyte at the Legislature.”

During former Governor John Spellman’s tenure from 1981-1985, the state was experiencing a severe recession and sales tax revenues were tanking. There was no way around the fact that the budget was at a deficit and Governor Spellman was looking for solutions.

At the time, Padden was a member of the State House of Representatives, and he and several of his Republican colleagues had run (and been elected) on a no-new tax platform. This conservative group of Representatives supported an all-cuts tax plan during that year’s short session with 24 Republican House members jointly signing a letter urging an all-cuts proposal. In response, Republican Governor Spellman said at a press conference, “I think a group of troglodytes would have gotten together and drafted that kind of [budget] proposal.”

If you’re wondering “what is a troglodyte?” A very good question! A troglodyte would not be considered a compliment. It is meant to describe someone who is being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned. It can also be used to describe a hermit or someone who lives in a cave.

The budget deficit was ultimately addressed by reinstating a food tax to increase revenue. While the tax on food products eventually ended, the “troglodyte” name lives on in perpetuity. It became a badge of honor (literally) for some of the then-House representatives. They even made lapel buttons that said, “Join the Troglodytes,” and had membership certificates (with a simple membership agreement: to vote no on tax increases).

We found this button for sale on eBay for $38.88 if anyone is interested…


After over 20 years of work in the Legislature (he took a break from legislative service to serve as a Judge in Spokane County), Senator Padden announced his retirement from the Senate earlier this year. Come January, there will be no remaining troglodytes in the Legislature.

Headshot of WA Sen Mike Padden

Senator Mike Padden, 4th Legislative District

(Image Courtesy of the Senate Republican Caucus)


Sen. Padden tells the story of his Electoral College vote [Senate Republican Caucus]

Electoral College Wasn’t Done Deal in 1976. Will it be in 2016? [The Spokesman-Review]

State GOP’s 1982 intraparty clash spawned badge of honor: troglodyte [The Spokesman-Review]

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Sheila Ater Capestany’s role as Chair of the Start Early Washington Community Advisory Committee is guiding the organization’s strategy to address the need for more equitable and just systems for Washington’s children, particularly those from underserved communities.

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Background: Founding Open Arms Perinatal Services and Pioneering Maternal Health Equity

Sheila’s journey as a social justice advocate began with her experiences as a doula, where she provided compassionate support to families throughout the childbirth and early parenting process. This work revealed to her the critical gaps in care for low-income families and families of color. Driven by the belief that every parent deserves access to a safe, supported birthing experience, she helped found Open Arms Perinatal Services in 1997. Open Arms offers free to low-cost perinatal and early parenting support services to meet the needs of each family through highly qualified, culturally matched doulas, lactation support peer counselors, childbirth educators, and resource navigators, helping thousands of families receive culturally relevant care and empowering them to have healthy birthing experiences.

Open Arms has become a model for perinatal support, addressing social and cultural factors impacting maternal health outcomes and reducing disparities in maternal and infant mortality. The organization’s impact has extended far beyond the Pacific Northwest, inspiring similar initiatives across the country and proving the significant effect of culturally responsive care on parent and child health.

Double Doula Duty: Sheila (right) with a mother (left) she supported early in her career, and later supported the grown daughter (center) in becoming a new mother.

Best Starts for Kids: Shaping a Promotion Approach to Community Health

When King County, Washington voters approved the original Best Starts for Kids Levy in 2015, Sheila took the helm to help lead the cutting-edge initiative. Grounded in the idea that when communities invest in a future where all children, youth and young adults are happy, healthy, safe, and thriving, these strong starts in a child’s earliest years can be sustained through adulthood. By investing in early childhood development and youth resilience, focusing on promotion and prevention rather than just reactive responses, Best Starts for Kids is focused on more equitable allocation of resources to improve health, education, and socio-emotional outcomes for children and families facing systemic inequities, providing a pathway to long-term stability and well-being.  Her work with Best Starts for Kids has not only improved lives but has also become a nationally recognized model for addressing the social determinants of health and supporting family resilience.

In 2019, Sheila helped establish King County’s first Children, Youth, and Young Adults Division and became it’s first Director, where she continues her work toward social and health equity.

Collaborating with Start Early and the Start Early Washington Community Advisory Committee

Furthering her advocacy for equitable early childhood education and development for children and families of color, Sheila joined Start Early Washington’s inaugural efforts in 2020 providing leadership as a member of Start Early’s national Board of Directors.   As Chair of the Start Early Washington Community Advisory Committee, she has been instrumental in guiding the organization’s strategy to address the need for more equitable and just systems for Washington’s children, particularly those from underserved communities.

When the advisory committee launches in early 2025, it will bring together community leaders, parents, and advocates to provide insights that shape Start Early’s programs and initiatives. Sheila’s contributions emphasize the importance of culturally relevant, community-based approaches that acknowledge and address the unique challenges faced by families from diverse communities.

I believe deeply in the concept that disability rights organizers gave us - ’nothing about us without us’. It is critical for programs, initiatives, and policies to be shaped and defined by and with the communities who are impacted by those efforts. I am excited for the work of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to shape and guide how Start Early moves forward with our work.

Sheila Ater Capestany, Chair of the Start Early Washington Community Advisory Committee
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Commitment to Systems Change in Public Health and Education

Sheila’s holistic approach across maternal health, early childhood education, and community advocacy has made her an influential voice for systems change, challenging institutions to better serve all members of the community.

Throughout her career, she has consistently advocated for systemic changes to support equitable social, health and early education outcomes. Sheila understands that policy changes and resource reallocation are necessary to tackle the root causes of inequity, especially for women, families, and children from marginalized communities. Her leadership has helped reshape community approaches to health and early education, making them more inclusive and equitable, and she has inspired policies that incorporate trauma-informed and culturally competent care.

Inspiring Future Leaders and Advocates

By focusing on the needs of marginalized communities and building support systems rooted in equity and compassion Sheila’s pioneering work has transformed maternal health support, early childhood education, and public health policies, setting new standards for equity and justice. As we launch our Community Advisory Committee, we look forward to Sheila’s partnership in our efforts to understand how we can best help families feel more empowered and a part of the process to create more equitable systems and support for children and families.

Learn more here about Best Starts for Kids and Open Arms Perinatal Services.

Chicago is home to a robust mixed-delivery system for early childhood education that allows families with young children to choose the school- or community-based program that best meets their needs. Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the Board of Education (BOE) play a pivotal role in upholding this system and ensuring every child in Chicago has access to high-quality early childhood services from before birth through age five. By state statute Chicago Public Schools receives 37% of the total amount of the Early Childhood Block Grant, this coming school year that means about $280 million reserved for children age 0-5 in Chicago. CPS then grants out 40% of these funds to the Department of Family and Support Services, which is then sub-granted to organizations across the city to serve children ages 0-5 in community-based settings. Since community- and school-based settings both use this funding to support their programs, they all must meet the same robust evidence-based programs standards, including requirements for curriculum and teacher qualifications.

The Board of Education plays an important role in this process and is getting a new face in calendar year 2025. For the first time, Chicago voters will elect candidates from 10 districts across the city on the November 5th ballot; Mayor Johnson will appoint the other 11 members for this cycle as the city moves toward a fully elected, 21 member board in 2028. Mayor Johnson has already appointed 6 members and the other 5 appointments will come before the end of the year. The new Board of Education can best serve Chicago children under age 5 by working with community-based partners to improve the city’s early childhood education system by addressing the following priorities.

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Increase equitable distribution of funds across Chicago Public Schools and community-based programs and increase supply of slots from birth to age 3.

As the fiscal agent for the city’s share of the state Early Childhood Block Grant, CPS should increase the amount of this funding that is available to community-based programs to serve children ages 0-3 so they arrive at pre-k and kindergarten ready to learn.

The need for increased funding for community-based programs to meet the true cost of serving children ages birth to 3 before they reach preschool age continues to rise. Further investment in these services is even more important now that CPS has turned its focus to Universal Pre-K for 4 year-olds and community-based programs have had to shift their program model to serve increased numbers of younger children who come with higher expenses.

Invest in the Chicago Early Learning (CEL) infrastructure, including the hotline and community collaborations embedded in the communities and conducting outreach on the ground to understand families’ needs.

 The CEL infrastructure assists tens of thousands of families in navigating the array of available early learning options that they can apply to using a centralized application, hotline and targeted community outreach conducted by local community collaborations. This infrastructure needs adequate funding to fill empty slots, reduce waitlists and address inequities.

Families depend on the CEL universal application system to identify programs in their neighborhood that meet their family’s needs. It is critical that this infrastructure receives the necessary investment to continue making strides toward equally representing available community- and school-based programming and supporting application navigation via the hotline. Community collaborations are another part of the CEL infrastructure that needs additional investment; accessible, community-level engagement and promotion ensures community-identified challenges can be surfaced and addressed.

Increase investment in the Chicago Early Learning Workforce Scholarship (CELWS).

 The City of Chicago is experiencing an early childhood workforce crisis that predates-but was also greatly exacerbated by-the pandemic. A direct way to create accessible pathways for new educators is to increase funding for CELWS, which needs approximately $15M more to meet the demand for scholarships for new early childhood educators.  

 There are over 182,000 children under age 5 that live in Chicago, almost 100,000 of whom are Black and Latino children. In a city as diverse as Chicago, with continually shifting language and cultural dynamics, the early childhood workforce needs to be representative of the children and families it serves. Support for this scholarship program is a direct way to create accessible pathways for highly qualified early childhood educators at a time when our workforce is in critical need. Funding for this program comes from the DFSS allocation of the ECBG and supports approximately 600 students each year. For the CELWS to fully meet the need of their continually growing student body at 100%, their budget would need to be $19.9M in total, which means there is a gap of $14.9M. We encourage the Board to exert their influence over the allocation of the ECBG to increase funding for the CELWS to close this budget gap.

Ensure Chicago Public Schools honors the legal rights of children with IEPs to receive services in the least restrictive environment, including when they are enrolled in community-based early childhood programs.

CPS is legally responsible for guaranteeing the right to a free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment for all children ages 3-21, regardless of where they are enrolled to receive services, The current model for ensuring children in community-based settings receive special education services leads to delays and gaps in services, but CPS and Chicago’s community-based Head Start programs are partnering to develop a new model which needs greater investment and long-term commitment from CPS leadership to ensure that children can receive their services in their least restrictive environment. 

Children with disabilities continue to face an onslaught of barriers to receiving special education services in the least restrictive environment in the district’s current model, including lack of transportation, delayed school assignments, and workforce shortages in special education staff that are felt throughout the city. CPS and the city’s Head Start grantees have been collaborating to develop a new model of community-based early childhood special education service delivery that preserves family choice between school- and community-based programs, maintains a child’s legal right to receive their special education services in the least restrictive environment, and minimizes harmful disruptions to a child’s day. The new Board of Education should make a long-term commitment to scaling a model of service delivery that upholds the legal rights of children with IEPs.

Amid the recent and many transitions the Board will undergo in the coming months, it is imperative for young children and families to have representatives that are ready to support children across school- and community-based settings and improve the system by addressing these priorities. Our system is complex. That is why Start Early and our partners are inviting Board of Education members and candidates to join us on October 29 for a 90-minute Chicago Early Childhood System Overview to learn more about Chicago’s mixed-delivery system and how it currently functions to support all children age 0-5. Register now to join us!

More Like This

The Office of Head Start (OHS) released updated performance standards last month, which focus heavily on the financial and emotional wellbeing of program staff. The new standards require that over the next 7 years, programs must work towards paying teaching staff a salary that is comparable to public school pre-k teachers. This is a monumental policy shift for a workforce that has endured physically demanding work, long hours and low pay for decades. OHS is striving to give the early childhood workforce the recognition and pay parity they so rightfully deserve. We hope Illinois is watching closely. 

Similar to other states, wages for child care teachers in Illinois are woefully low, which has led to high turnover. According to the most recent wage data we have available from fiscal year 2023, the median hourly pay for a lead teacher was $16.50 and for an assistant teacher, the median hourly wage was $15.40. With pay hovering around minimum wage and arduous working conditions, our current workforce crisis should not come as a surprise. 



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Median Child Care Center Wages (FY2023) in Selected Counties


Assistant Teacher

Lead Teacher
















Rock Island












Rock Island


Assistant Teacher

Lead Teacher















Source: Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies 

The Department of Human Services (DHS) launched the Smart Start Workforce Grant (SSWG) program over the summer to increase wages for child care teaching staff to help mitigate the state’s workforce crisis. The Department’s goal was to reach as many early educators as possible. With only $110 million to devote to this effort, it meant they needed to strike a balance between program eligibility and wages. Ultimately, DHS set Child Care Assistance Program eligibility parameters to ensure programs enrolling low-income children would be uplifted. SSWG grantees are required to pay teaching staff a salary floor that is above the minimum wage and all of the funding must go toward wages. 

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Group 1A

Group 1B

Group 2

Wage floor for teachers

$19.25 per hour

$18.50 per hour

$18.25 per hour

Wage floor for assistant teacher

$18.00 per hour

$17.25 per hour

$17.00 per hour


Wage floor for teachers

Wage floor for assistant teacher

Group 1A

Group 1B

Group 2

$19.25 per hour

$18.50 per hour

$18.25 per hour

$18.00 per hour

$17.25 per hour

$17.00 per hour

Group 1A: Cook, DeKalb, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake and McHenry counties.

Group 1B: Boone, Champaign, Kankakee, Madison, McLean, Monroe, Ogle, Peoria, Rock Island, Sangamon, St. Clair, Tazewell, Whiteside, Will, Winnebago and Woodford counties.

Group 2: All counties not listed in Group 1A or 1B

Source: Smart Start Workforce Grants- Gateways to Opportunity

Although the SSWG will increase teachers’ pay, the funding was not enough to reach all early educators, and it remains to be seen whether a few additional dollars per hour will make a true impact in retainment and recruitment. The Office of Head Start made a bold statement by requiring pay parity with preschool teachers in public schools and as a state, we need to act boldly as well. OHS has paved the way and created a roadmap for the remainder of the early care and education field to follow. The $110 million dollar investment in our early educators through the SSWG program should only be seen as a downpayment toward a much larger workforce strategy because our child care teachers simply deserve better. They too, deserve parity.  

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The Washington State Capitol Building on a bright September Day

The Capitol building on a bright September Day (Photo Credit: Erica Hallock)

September Economic and Revenue Forecast

On September 27, the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council met to receive a Revenue Review from the State’s Economist Dave Reich.

Before we get to the September forecast, it is important to provide background. At the June Review meeting, forecasted revenues for all funds* were projected to be down from the February 2024 forecast by $477 million in the 2023-2025 biennium and by $189 million in the 2025-27 biennium. This equals a total of $666 million less in projected revenues for the 2023-27 biennia. (Funds included in this forecast are: 1) General Fund-State; 2) the Education Legacy Trust Account; 3) the WA Opportunity Pathways Account; and 4) the Workforce Education Investment Account).

The updated revenue forecast released on September 27th did not see much movement from the June forecast, with overall revenues projected to be another $49M lower in our current biennium of 2023-25 but increased by $79M for the upcoming biennium. This leaves overall growth of $30M in revenue for the 2023-27 biennia since the June forecast, but an overall reduction in revenue of $636M from when the budget was written earlier this year.

Some interesting trends and things to note:

Sales Tax Revenue is Down. For only the third time in the last 15 years, sales tax revenue is down year over year. Major reasons for this include lower construction and auto related activity. For both the 2023-25 and 2025-27 biennia, sales tax projections are lower in the September forecast than the June forecast. For 2023-25, the September forecast is projecting collection of $63.166B which is $131M less than what was projected in June, and for 2025-27, the September forecast is projection collection of $67.931B which is $53M less than what was projected in June.
Other Revenue Collections Are Up. In contrast to sales tax revenues coming in lower than projected, other collections are expected to come in higher than projected, including the Business and Occupations (B&O) tax and the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET). These other sources are helping to offset lower sales tax receipts.
Overall Revenue Expected to Grow from 2023-25 to 2025-27. Despite this slowing, total revenues subject to the outlook are expected to grow from $66.5 billion in the 2023-25 biennium to $71.6 billion in the 2025-27 biennium.

In response to a press question, Forecast Council Member and House Appropriations Committee Chair Representative Timm Ormsby noted that he did not anticipate any major adjustments to the second supplemental budget the Legislature will take up when they return in January 2025. (The second supplemental budget will address changes needed in the current fiscal year/biennium that concludes June 30, 2025.) Representative Ormsby went on to say he expected budget writers will be focused on fulfilling commitments in the underlying budget and responding to caseload and enrollment changes. He emphasized budget writers will “only be able to spend what they have.”

November Revenue Forecast and Caseload Forecast. The next Revenue Forecast/Review is scheduled for November 20. On November 13, the Washington State Caseload Forecast Council will meet to receive projections for the demand for entitlement programs such as K-12 education, Medicaid, prisons and foster care.

These reports will inform Governor Inslee’s final budget that will be released in mid-December.

Start Early Decision Package Summaries

As a reminder, Start Early Washington produced a summary of the early learning related Decision Packages submitted by state agencies to the Office of Financial Management for consideration for inclusion in Governor Inslee’s final budget.
The Capital Budget requests were recently made public, and our summary document has been updated to include that information.

To access the summaries, please visit the Policy Resources section of our webpage. Full copies of the Decision Packages can be viewed at abr.ofm.wa.gov.

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The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is holding three fall budget hearings, the first step in determining next year’s proposed education budget for the state. These hearings provide the early childhood advocacy community an opportunity to help shape the state’s Fiscal Year 2026 education budget proposal. Please consider participating, virtually or in-person, in requesting a $75 million increase in state funding for the Early Childhood Block Grant (ECBG).

Here’s how you can participate in the ISBE budget hearing process:

Step 1: Submit Your Funding Request
  • Visit ISBE.net/BudgetRequestForm, and enter your name and contact information.
  • You will have the option to select to speak at one of the hearings. If you only wish to submit a request in writing and do not wish to speak at a hearing, select “I do not plan to attend a budget hearing but still wish to submit written testimony. The final deadline for written requests is October 31st 
  • Under the “Add Program Request” drop-down menu select “Early Childhood Education” 
  • Under the field that begins with “Please provide the Board with a description of your funding request,” you will need to provide further details on the $75 million ask.  
  • You can also submit attachments and supplemental documentation to isbefy26@isbe.net. If you provide additional documents, you will need to also include your reference number that you receive when the funding request is submitted.  
  • If you wish to speak at a hearing, proceed to Step 2.  
Step 2: Register to Speak at a Virtual Hearing 
  • On the right-hand side of the registration page, you will need to choose the hearing you plan to speak at 
    • October 8th, Springfield 4-7 p.m.
      • Must submit a written funding request online by 11:59 pm, October 3rd  
    • October 10th, Virtual 4-7 p.m.
      • Registration deadline is October 7th at 11:59 pm
    • October 28th, Virtual  1-4 p.m.
      • Registration deadline in October 23rd at 11:59 pm
  • Click “Submit”

General Tips to Testify at ISBE’s Fiscal Year 2026 Budget Hearings:

  • Draft your talking points!
  • Use your time wisely as oral testimony is being limited to three (3) minutes per person.
  • Be sure to personalize your testimony with your own perspective.
  • Compose your testimony with an introduction, early childhood needs, the $75 million ask and conclusion.
  • Use your own words as much as possible, for variety and authenticity.

Contact us if you plan to testify or have questions. Thank you for speaking up for children and families across the state!

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The Capitol building looking for sunshine on a cloudy August dayThe Capitol building looking for sunshine on a cloudy August day (Photo Credit: Erica Hallock)

Special Trivia from Interview with Jim Camden, Longtime Spokesman Review Olympia Bureau Chief and Political Writer

Following the end of the 2024 legislative session, I had the honor of sitting down with longtime Spokesman Review Olympia Bureau Chief Jim Camden at the Olympia staple, Wagner’s European Bakery and Café, to chat about his decades-long career in journalism. Little did I know what a treat I would be in for, and I am not talking about the bakery items at Wagner’s! This Political Science major was riveted! (And, yes, we were politely asked to leave Wagner’s after staying past their closing time).

Read below for highlights of the conversation… but first, business items!

Decision Package Summaries

In mid-September, state agencies submitted Decision Packages (DPs) and Agency Request Legislation (ARLs) to the Governor’s Office of Financial Management (OFM).  These requests represent agencies’ desired budget investments and policy changes for the upcoming biennium.

In June, former OFM Director David Schumacher issued instructions to state agencies urging that, based on the current revenue outlook and the state’s existing commitments, budget requests focus on caseload increases for current programs and not propose expansion or creation of new programs or services.

All of the Decision Packages for the operating budget can be found at abr.ofm.wa.gov. It is not the most user-friendly site, so please feel free to reach out if you need assistance with navigation. Start Early Washington has done a full recap of the DP’s related to early learning which can be found on our Policy Resources page.

You might be asking why state agencies make requests not only for the upcoming biennium (2025-27) but also for the following one (2027-2029).  This is because our state requires a four-year balanced budget, so it is common to hear questions about the costs of proposals in the “four-year,” particularly if costs are projected to rise in future years.

To see a summary of the key early learning related decision packages, visit the Start Early Washington Policy Resources Page.

Next Steps
Over the next couple of months, OFM staff will review these Decision Packages and Agency Request Legislation submissions.  Following the November 20th Revenue Forecast, OFM will work with Governor Inslee and his team to put the finishing touches on his final budget that will be released mid-December.  At that point, we will know which of these Decision Packages are included in Governor Inslee’s budget.

Once the new governor is inaugurated, that individual can make changes to Governor Inslee’s proposed budget prior to legislative review.

A Quick Check-in on the State’s Revenue Picture

On September 13, the state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council met to receive an update from the state’s economist on the state’s economic outlook and revenue collection to date.  The high-level take-away is that our state’s revenue collections are up $26M since the June 2024 forecast – .04%, or essentially flat.

The next Revenue Forecast will be on Friday, September 27, with the final forecast of the calendar year scheduled for November 20.  This November forecast will be key as we should know the outcome of the initiatives on the November ballot and the November forecast will inform Governor Inslee’s final budget which will be released mid-December.

Capital Gains, Early Learning and the Education Legacy Account (ELTA)

Start Early Washington recently released a brief providing background information related to the Education Legacy Trust Account (ELTA) and how the capital gains tax and other revenues deposited into ELTA are used to support early learning and other educational priorities in Washington state.

Established in 2005, the ELTA was originally funded with portions of estate tax and cigarette taxes and was created to support common schools and to expand access to higher education.  Over the years, the Legislature has adapted ELTA’s revenue sources and its uses, adding the capital gains tax as a revenue source and early learning as a use in 2021. Currently, ELTA funding is the second largest source of state funding for early learning in Washington. To learn more, you’ll find this document at the top of the Start Early Washington State Resources Page.

Interview with Longtime Spokesman Review Olympia Bureau Chief Jim Camden

Jim Camden interviews former Governor Christine GregoireJim Camden interviews former Governor Christine Gregoire (Photo Courtesy: Spokesman Review)

Enjoy highlights of my conversation with the Spokesman Review’s longtime Olympia Bureau Chief, Jim Camden…

Why Journalism and Why Spokane?
While attending the “Mizzou” School of Journalism (University of Missouri), Jim dreamed of becoming the next Ernest Hemingway, but realized the odds of hitting it big as a novelist were less than becoming a starving writer, so he opted for journalism.

Jim’s first professional journalist stop was in Lincoln, Nebraska where he worked for five years.  There, Jim served as a night copy editor, night police reporter and eventually covered the Nebraska Legislature – which is unique in that it is the only unicameral Legislature in the country (meaning it has only one legislative body).

Early in his career, Jim applied for an open position with the Spokesman Review in its Olympia Bureau.  Jim was asked what he knew about Washington state politics and when he responded with information about our state’s then U.S. Senators, he was told it was not possible to report on a state house without knowing the players and its landscape.  Fair enough.

Thankfully, the Spokesman Review saw promise in Jim and ultimately hired him in 1981, offering him a nighttime general assignment position.  As Jim talked about his professional trajectory, he described jobs and roles (like night policy reporter) that do not exist anymore as print journalism has both struggled financially and has become more automated.

Memories from Covering Spokane

Story #1 – The “South Hill Rapist”
When Jim and his wife moved to Spokane in 1981 to take on his new role with the paper, a serial rapist had the Spokane community terrified.  A detail Jim omitted when hyping up the new community to his wife!

The perpetrator, Kevin Coe, was arrested and it turned out that Coe’s father, Gordon, was the managing editor of the Spokesman Review’s main competitor, the Spokane Chronicle (but both papers shared the same owner).  Kevin Coe’s crimes centered on the city’s South Hill, hence the moniker the “South Hill Rapist.”

The story got more complicated when Gordon’s wife Ruth (Kevin’s mother) was arrested for trying to hire a hit man to kill the prosecutor as well as the judge in Kevin’s case.  Jim said to me – something to the effect of – “there are no hit men in Spokane.  If you think you are hiring a hit man, you are talking to a cop!”

One of Jim’s assignments included interviewing Gordon Coe after his wife’s arrest.  Jim also attended the trials and sentencing for Kevin. Kevin served his full 25-year sentence at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary, and, in 2008, a jury found him to be a violent sexual predator, committing him to McNeil Island indefinitely.

If you are looking for an account of these events, I recommend Jack Olsen’s “Son: A Psychopath and His Victims.”  An excellent book.  Every time I drive by the location of Ruth Coe’s arrest (now a Ross Dress for Less store), I think about this bizarre story.

Story #2 – Candidate Filing Week Pre-Internet
On a much lighter note, Jim shared memories of candidate filing week from 1984.  Of course, back in those days, there was no electronic filing – not even by fax machine!  The first person in line got the first spot on the ballot, so candidates would camp out to secure the top spot on the ballot.  Jim was there early, too, to capture the story.

I wonder what it looked like to see all of the elected and prospective elected officials waiting in line early in the morning.  It must have been a sight!

Story #3 – President George H.W. Bush in Spokane, a Sapling and a Personal Check!
In 1989, Spokane’s Congressman, the Honorable Tom Foley, was Speaker of the House of Representatives and George H.W. Bush was serving as the President of the United States of America.  As part of the 25th anniversary of the 1974 World’s Fair which was held in Spokane, President Bush visited Spokane in 1989.  In honor of the World’s Fair environmental theme, President George H.W. Bush and Speaker Foley made joint remarks at the City’s Riverfront Park and together planted a sapling that came from an American elm planted by President John Quincy Adams at the White House.  (Note: the poor sapling did not last long as its branches were destroyed and then; to preserve the tree, it was moved to an arboretum where it died after being planted too shallowly).

Anyway, like any good journalist, Jim was not satisfied with simply covering the public event at Riverfront Park.  He knew President Bush was staying at the then-Sheraton Hotel next to the Park and he suspected the President would have dinner plans, probably with Speaker Foley since they enjoyed a cordial relationship.  Jim kept a watchful eye on the presidential limousines from his own vehicle and when the limousines headed out, he did as well, keeping a safe distance so as not to not garner attention.

Sure enough, President Bush, his Environmental Protection Agency Secretary, Speaker Foley, and his wife Heather Foley were dining at the Patsy Clark Mansion which used to be a restaurant and now is a law office doubling as a wedding venue.  Jim knew the owner of the restaurant asked and asked what the group ordered to eat (of course the party had the restaurant to themselves).  Jim ended up talking to a server named Rose, who was serving the table that night.  Rose shared she did not know until she showed up for work that day that she would be serving the President of the United States and that she was “wanded” by the Secret Service every time she walked back into the dining room.  She also reported the President, upon the Speaker’s recommendation, ordered a Washington state Chardonnay paired with a steak.

This part of the story makes me smile.  Jim learned that President Bush wrote a personal check for his meal.  Tony Anderson, the owner of Patsy Clark, shared that he of course would never cash the check, a detail Jim included in his article about the dinner. Upon reading this from his room at the Sheraton the next morning, President Bush wrote personal notes to both Tony and Rose and sent cash thanking them for the memorable evening.

President George H.W. Bush prepares to plant a sapling from the White House at Spokane’s Riverfront Park in 1989President George H.W. Bush prepares to plant a sapling from the White House at Spokane’s Riverfront Park in 1989 (Photo Courtesy: Spokesman Review)

Covering Olympia
While his initial attempt to become the Olympia Bureau Chief for the Spokesman didn’t work out, Jim achieved that dream in 2009.  During our time together, Jim shared memories of his time covering state politics in Olympia and his thoughts for the future of his profession.

One change he noted over his time in Olympia was the sharp decrease in the number of journalists covering the Olympia beat.  Back in the day when there were two houses for journalists (the “Blue House” and the “White House” which were recently demolished as part of the Capitol campus restructure), journalists were assigned to a house to separate competitors.  For example, reporters from competing Seattle papers would be assigned to different houses.

Jim noted that during gubernatorial press conferences under previous administrations, it would be standing room only, with journalists yelling out to get their questions answered.  Today, there are empty chairs around the table and the environment is much more polite…  a little too polite in Jim’s view.   (Side note: as I was wrapping up this piece, a Brian Dudley piece in the Seattle Times noted reporters assigned to cover Olympia news had declined 70% since 2005).

I asked Jim to share about the various Governors he covered over his tenure and he – of course – had stories…

He found the first Governor he observed in this role, Booth Gardner, to be the most open and easiest to cover.  During the 1984 general election, incumbent Governor John Spellman portrayed Gardner as a “tool of the labor unions.”  Jim shared this tact was a surprise given Gardner’s status as heir to the Weyerhaeuser timber fortune and the expectation that Gardner would be pegged as an out-of-touch rich kid.  According to Jim, a frequent sighting at that year’s Spokane Labor Rally were big buttons that read “Hi!   I’m a big labor boss!” (mocking Spellman’s attempted jab).

Once elected, Gardner visited Spokane a lot because he liked to get out of the Capitol.  Jim talked about joining the Governor and a Democratic state legislative candidate door belling one day when they happened upon the home of a Spokesman Review colleague, who was surprised to find both Governor Gardner and his colleague Jim randomly at his door.

Jim shared he admired that former Governor Gary Locke made the wise decision to marry a journalist (Mona Lee Locke) and moved his family out of the Governor’s Residence when it was overrun by bats!

Finally, Jim shared a story about former Governor Christine Gregoire and how she calmed down an entire room of children at a dinosaur exhibit who panicked after a series of unplanned and unexpected balloon explosions rattled their nerves.  Governor Gregoire told the press something to the effect of “never underestimate a mom.”

I could go on and on with the remarkable stories and insights shared by Jim, but I do want to leave you with his answer to my question about the most impactful floor debate he witnessed, because he had obviously witnessed thousands of floor debates and votes from the mundane to the monumental.  In terms of the most impactful floor debate during his tenure, Jim cited the House of Representatives’ February 8, 2012, two-hour debate on SB 6329 which brought marriage equality to Washington state.  Jim found the debate “hearty” and thoughtful.

On January 4, 2021, Jim left the Spokesman Review as a full-time employee, but still writes for them on a part-time basis.  He currently writes a Sunday column where he is known for frequently including quizzes on political/historical matters that can stump the best of us.   He is also brought in to cover significant political stories where his expertise is key.

On September 9th, Jim was featured on the Spokesman’s front page in two places – his moderation of a discussion with the author of a new book about former Speaker of the House Tom Foley as well as his of coverage of I-2109, the effort to repeal the Capital Gains Tax.  Feels pretty full-time to me!

A huge thanks to Jim and to all of the amazing journalists who cover our state houses!

More Like This

Summer is in full swing! Along with the fun the season brings, young children, expectant parents, and those who care for them face many decisions about how to safely navigate heat, poor air quality, extreme weather, and more. Compared to the general population, infants, young children, and pregnant people are more susceptible to the effects of poor air quality.

It is important for child care providers to know how to manage these environmental risks as they plan to keep children and staff safe. Child care providers are also in a unique position to support families by providing resources and guidance to keep children safe while at home.

Below are some common questions caregivers might have about how to protect young children and families if the air quality is poor, and resources that will help answer them:

  • How can I monitor my local air quality to ensure that it is safe outside for infants, young children, and pregnant people?
    • The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) AirNow Air Quality Index (AQI) Map displays the air quality in your local area and recommends precautions to take when needed. The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map also provides real-time information about where wildfires are happening across the U.S. and Canada and how they might affect your local air quality.
    • As you’re planning the day ahead for yourself or those in your care, access the map on the go and sign up for notifications about local air quality alerts using the AirNow smartphone app.
    • AirNow also has easy guidance for when and how outdoor physical activity should be modified for young children and pregnant people based on air quality: if the air quality is at orange level or above (Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups or 101–150) these groups should reduce prolonged and heavy exertion outdoors. EPA also offers educational activities and materials on air quality (recommended for children ages 4 to 7).
  • What steps can I take to protect infants, young children, and staff on days with poor air quality or extreme heat?
    • This resource from the Connecticut Office of Early Childhood includes information about protecting the health of children and staff on days with extreme heat or compromised air quality.
  • Where can I find programmatic guidance about poor air quality and other disasters- before and after they happen?
  • Where can SNAP and WIC be used when poor air quality and other disasters cause families to evacuate?
    • When poor air quality impacts communities, families sometimes face the difficult decision of evacuating their homes. For families who rely on nutrition assistance programs, relocating can cause confusion about how to transfer SNAP and WIC benefits across state lines. EBT can be used across state lines for SNAP and CalFresh. Families who have WIC can continue to use their benefits until their certification expires. Families must have proof that they received WIC benefits in another area or state and should contact their WIC office with any questions.
  • How do I talk with young children and families about wildfires and other climate change issues?
    • Trinka and Sam: The Big Fire is both a coloring book and story, with a parents’ guide at the end of the book with prompts for how to talk about wildfires and their aftermath with families. The book is available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Greek. See a similar story about hurricanes by the same authors.

We encourage child care providers and those supporting networks of providers to share these resources broadly. Climate change is an early childhood issue and programs supporting young children and their families need tools to be responsive and climate-resilient. These resources can be helpful not only during the summer, but year-round as communities around the globe face an increasing number of extreme weather events.

Interested in other resources supporting early childhood professionals? Sign-up for our newsletter here.

Looking for helpful resources to protect yourself and the children and families in your care from extreme heat this summer? Find them here.

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