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The Crucial Link: Parental Mental Health and Child Well-being

Learn more about why prioritizing parental mental health is essential for nurturing a healthy environment for children to thrive.

Michael Gouterman May 29, 2024
  • Family Engagement
  • Health and Development
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The mental health of parents plays an important role in shaping the trajectory of their child’s social and emotional well-being.

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We asked Michael Gouterman, our mental health expert, why prioritizing parental mental health is essential for nurturing a healthy environment for children to thrive.

  • Understanding the Impact
    Parents are their children’s first teachers, and it is the quality of parent-child relationships and interactions that create the foundational skills that children need to be successful in school and in life. When parents experience mental health challenges, it can have ripple effects on their children’s development.
  • The Dysregulated World
    Imagine a child born into a world where their caregivers are grappling with their own dysregulation—an environment marked by stress, anxiety or depression. In such circumstances, the ability of caregivers to provide consistent emotional support and regulation may be compromised, impacting the child’s sense of safety and security. Read our tackling tough topics posts on: Racism and Violence
  • The Transmission of Stress
    Stress has a way of affecting parent-child relationships and impacting the way children may perceive the world. When parents struggle with their mental health, children may internalize this stress, leading to challenges in emotional regulation and social and emotional development.
  • Empowering Parents as Advocates
    Recognizing the importance of parental mental health is not about assigning blame, but rather acknowledging the complex interplay between individual well-being and environmental factors. Empowering parents to advocate for their own mental health is paramount, ensuring they have access to resources and support systems to address their needs.
  • Breaking the Cycle
    When we prioritize parental mental health, we can break the cycle of the intergenerational transmission of stress and help create an environment where children can thrive. When parents prioritize their own well-being, and are better equipped to provide the support and stability their children need to navigate life’s challenges.


Helpful Mental Health Resources for Parents

Mindfulness Tips:

  • Check your employee benefits for subscriptions to paid mindfulness and meditation services, such as Calm or Chill Anywhere.
  • Search your phone’s app store for apps that offer free services.
  • Youtube is a great resource for finding free mindfulness and/or meditation sessions of any length.

About the Author

Michael Gouterman

Mental Health Manager, Early/Head Start Network

Michael has worked in Early Childhood Education for over 12 years and is the Mental Health Manager for our Early/Head Start Network.

More About Michael

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