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Shaping Futures Together: An Early Childhood Research & Policy Agenda

The Shaping Futures Together Agenda identifies families’ and practitioners’ priorities and insights on federal policies to ensure all young children thrive.

Since early in our organization’s history, Start Early has partnered across states and communities to shape, study, advocate for and enact early childhood programs, research and policies that support young children and their families. Over the past year and a half, we have engaged people from within our broad early childhood ecosystem – including from across the Educare Network – to develop our first-ever research and policy agenda that describes priorities identified by parents and practitioners. Families and staff across home visiting, Early Head Start and Head Start, child care, Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education programs shared insight about critical federal policies that could best support their families and could ensure all young children thrive.

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Core Beliefs

  • Family and practitioner voices must inform federal policy and related research priorities.
  • Researchers, policymakers and advocates must ensure their efforts reinforce and build on one other.
  • Equitable and participatory research methods must be implemented in collaboration with parents and practitioners.
  • Publications, resources and tools should use communication methods that are accessible and readily reach families, practitioners and communities

Read the Shaping Futures Together: An Early Childhood Research & Policy Agenda

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Additional Resources



The Shaping Futures Together agenda highlights policies and investments that families and practitioners say will ensure all children thrive. Download the PLAYBOOK for recommended policy and research strategies that Start Early believes will help to realize those priorities.

Download The PLAYBOOK

Healthy Births & Thriving Families


Positive, nurturing and supported relationships between parents, caregivers and young children are essential to childrens’ development and to the health and success of families. Download recommendations for this focus area.

Download Healthy Births & Thriving Families

Positive Early Learning & Development


All families with young children need access to quality, affordable and universal child care and early learning – the health of our families, communities and economy depend on it. Download recommendations to help make this a reality.

Download Positive Early Learning & Development

Effective, Valued & Well-Compensated Workforce


The skilled professionals caring for and nurturing our youngest learners, and supporting entire families and communities, should be appropriately resourced and fairly compensated for the vital services they provide. Download recommendations in service to this goal.

Download Effective, Valued & Well-Compensated Workforce

Strong, Sustainable & Equitable Early Childhood Ecosystem


Early childhood systems must be designed in partnership with families and funded as a public good in every community and for all children from before birth to age 5. Download recommendations that support this shift.

Download Strong, Sustainable & Equitable Early Childhood Ecosystem

En español

Dando Forma al Futuro Juntos: Una Agenda de Investigación y Políticas para la Primera Infancia


La Dando Forma al Futuro Juntos Agenda identifica las prioridades de las familias y los profesionales para que todos los niños y familias puedan prosperar.

Download Dando Forma al Futuro Juntos: Una Agenda de Investigación y Políticas para la Primera Infancia



La GUÍA ESTRATÉGICA representa las estrategias y los mecanismos recomendados que el personal de Start Early considera que ayudarán a concretar las prioridades identificadas por las familias y los profesionales.


Nacimientos Saludables y Familias Prósperas


Las relaciones positivas, estrechas y con los apoyos adecuados entre padres, cuidadores y niños pequeños son esenciales para el desarrollo de los niños y para la salud y el éxito de las familias.

Download Nacimientos Saludables y Familias Prósperas

Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Positivo en la Primera Infancia


Todas las familias con niños pequeños necesitan acceso a un cuidado infantil y aprendizaje temprano de calidad, asequible y universal; la salud de nuestras familias, comunidades y economía depende de ello.

Download Aprendizaje y Desarrollo Positivo en la Primera Infancia

Fuerza Laboral Efectiva, Valorada y Bien Remunerada


Los profesionales capacitados que cuidan de manera positiva y afectuosa a nuestros más pequeños y que, por lo tanto, apoyan a familias y comunidades enteras, deben contar con los recursos adecuados y ser justamente remunerados.

Download Fuerza Laboral Efectiva, Valorada y Bien Remunerada

Ecosistema Fuerte, Sostenible y Equitativo de la Primera Infancia


Un sistema de la primera infancia debe ser diseñado en colaboración con las familias, financiado como un bien público y debería existir en todas las comunidades como de apoyos para todos los niños y sus familias.

Download Ecosistema Fuerte, Sostenible y Equitativo de la Primera Infancia

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