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Reflective. Reinforcing. Rewarding.
A mobile tool that puts professional learning into practice.

Screenshot of Reflectable tool showing the topic and focus selected for the weekHigh-quality social emotional learning (SEL) is essential for children’s success, both in the classroom and throughout life. However, despite important investments in SEL training for teachers, educators face understandable challenges when they try to apply what they learned in their day-to-day routines.

With Reflectable®, educators boost their professional learning with an online, guided 10-minute weekly reflective practice – harnessing the power of incremental change to dramatically increase their impact on children’s social emotional learning in areas they decide matter most. Reflectable fits into teachers’ busy schedules by offering bite-sized actions that deliver lasting results.

Early education professionals are facing an increasing number of challenging behaviors in the classroom, impacting the mental health of both teachers and children. Reflectable creates a helpful pause so educators can give both themselves and the children in their care the attention and support they deserve – boosting positive social skills and job satisfaction.

Screenshot of Reflectable tool after an individual has chosen their weekly social emotional topic and action Screenshot of Reflectable tool for an individual to reflect on progress and plan next steps Screenshot of Reflectable tool after an individual has completed their weekly topic and action

Reflectable’s straightforward, three-step weekly process:

  • Step One: Choose
    Educators select a social emotional topic and bite-sized action for the week
  • Step Two: Practice
    Staff practice their chosen action in daily classroom routines
  • Step Three: Reflect
    Supportive prompts help teachers reflect on progress and plan next steps

Reflectable helps me stay focused and be mindful of the strategies I’m using in the classroom.

Reflectable Pilot Focus Group participant

Reflectable, The Professional Learning Booster

The Details

What does Reflectable include?

Reflectable is a supportive, weekly reflective practice tool that builds on common social emotional curricula to put early educators in control of their own SEL learning and practice priorities – based on the unique needs of their classroom.

Social Emotional Learning Module

  • 85 bite-sized actions and practice tips* organized under seven core SEL topics:
    • Building positive relationships
    • Schedules and routines
    • Setting and using behavior expectations
    • Supporting emotion and behavior regulation
    • Self-care
    • Helping children solve problems
    • Executive function
  • 10-minute weekly guided self-reflection with supportive prompts for child and participant progress
  • Optional individual child reflection and engagement planning
  • Participant progress dashboard

*Actions complement and are aligned to common SEL curricula including NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate Practice, The Pyramid Model for Supporting Social Emotional Competence In Infants and Young Children, The Creative Curriculum®, Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), and Conscious Discipline.®

Aligned for Educator Success

Reflectable’s content complements best practices for developing positive social and emotional skills. The tool is aligned to numerous early childhood SEL frameworks and curricula so you can count on seamless integration with your professional learning investments.

Take a closer look at our crosswalks – and give us a call to explore Reflectable’s alignment to your SEL curriculum of choice!

The Power of a Bite

Why are Reflectable’s weekly actions bite-sized? Behavior science tells us that bite-sized actions lead to lasting results – in the classroom and in life! When teachers apply small practice changes on a regular basis, over time they experience transformational differences in their classrooms.

Reflectable tool display on a laptop

Real-World, Teacher-Driven Results

A powerful PD booster: A promising 3rd party pilot study shows that teachers using Reflectable alongside a coach scored 19 points higher on fidelity to their SEL PD than teachers receiving just individual coaching.

Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) for Preschool classrooms
Takada, E. Engage R & D (2019), FMSD retrospective study: Social emotional learning, Professional development.
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