Late last week, the security gates around the Capitol Campus were relaxed, allowing visitors – human and animal! –  to enjoy the spring flowers.


Why was Governor Inslee in his Capitol office just before midnight on June 30, 2017?

Weekly Highlights

Senate and House Release Budget Proposals. On Thursday, the Senate released their Operating and Capital budget proposals. On Wednesday, the House released its Capital budget and will release their Operating budget on Friday afternoon (today).

The Senate budget clearly prioritizes early learning, with significant federal and state funding proposed to support implementation of the Fair Start for Kids Act. The Senate budget contains $509 million in federal funding for child care grants and provider reimbursement along with $312 million in the 2021-23 biennium for Fair Start for Kids investments.

Specific funded early learning policies in the Senate budgets include:

  • Increasing Working Connections Child Care income eligibility to 60% of State Median Income
  • Reform of the Working Connections Child Care co-payment structure to minimize the so-called “co-pay cliff”
  • Increasing the reimbursement rate for Working Connections Child Care to 85th percentile of market rate
  • Increasing the reimbursement rate for ECEAP by 10% starting in the 2021-23 school year
  • Increasing ECEAP slots by 500 in state fiscal year 2022 and by 400 slots in state fiscal year 2023
  • Funding to expand home visiting services and provide supports to enhance data collection and support the work of local implementation agencies
  • Finally, providing funding for the complex needs funds and support for Infant Early Childhood Mental Health consultation.

With both the Senate and House proposed Capital budgets, they have also signaled the priority of investing capital dollars into growing the Early Learning Facilities funds and supporting capital early learning projects via local school districts.

What are the next steps? In the next few days, the Senate and House fiscal committees will hold public hearings to get feedback about what was and was not included in the budgets. The fiscal committees, followed by the full bodies, will approve the proposals, likely with some amendments. Once this happens, the public side of the work will be paused while Senate and House budget writers work behind the scenes to negotiate the differences between the two approaches.

Start Early WA is busy analyzing the details of the complicated and complex budget proposal (and the soon to be released House Operating budget proposal) and will post more detailed summaries on the policy resources part of our website next week.

Fair Start for Kids Act Bills Both Continue to Advance. On Wednesday, the House Children, Youth and Families Committee passed E2SSB 5237 and the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Committee passed E2SHB 1213. While both bills are technically still alive, we do expect only one bill to be heard in a fiscal committee.  As of this writing, it is unclear which bill will serve as the vehicle.

Prior to advancing the bills, both committees adopted “striking” amendments (striking amendments remove the original bill language and substitute with new language).  After adoption of these striking amendments, the two bills are closely aligned on most policy issues.  The release of the Senate and House budget proposals will give us a good idea of how each body is prioritizing funding the policies in the bills.  By the end of the legislative session, we should see a policy bill with corresponding budget investments to support implementation of the final bill’s policies.

Given the interplay with the budget, the question of which bill will be the ultimate vehicle going forward and the likelihood of further amendments in an upcoming fiscal committee hearing, Start Early WA will not be updating the bill resource documents on our website to reflect the striking amendments adopted on Wednesday. Instead, we will include a fuller analysis in the April 2nd Notes from Olympia comparing the budget proposals and bill details.

Fiscal Committee Hearing on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). On March 19th, the Senate Ways and Means Committee had a briefing from the Governor’s Office of Financial Management and the Governor’s Washington D.C. staff on key components of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The staff shared key highlights, emphasizing there are still a number of questions on use of funds and noted that, in some cases, state allocations for certain purposes are still being developed.

In addition to funding for specific purposes, Washington state is slated to receive $4.25 billion in “flexible funds” and local governments will receive an additional $2.6 billion. Other key investments include an estimated $404 million for emergency rental assistance as well as additional funding for broadband, behavioral health, WIC and the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).

ARPA includes $390.6 million in child care stabilization grants. Of this amount, 90% must be sub-granted to providers by a deadline of September 30, 2021. Up to 10% of this amount can be directed to DCYF for administrative expenses, including technical assistance and public awareness.  In addition, ARPA includes a one-time $244 million increase to the Child Care and Development Block Grant which must be spent within three years.

Policy Committee Cutoff/Fiscal Cutoff Coming. A quick reminder that today is the deadline for bills out of the policy committee of the opposite house. A week from today is the deadline for bills to pass out of the fiscal committee of the opposite house. This means the next seven days will be focused on the Senate Ways and Means and House Appropriations Committees. Just like with the English language, there are always exceptions to this rule.

Early Childhood Connector Grant Opportunity. Early Childhood Connector, an online community that supports early childhood systems building, has issued a Call for Interest from community systems builders who are interested in receiving grant funds to pilot new features and capabilities of the platform to help achieve more equitable outcomes for young children, from before birth to age eight, their families, and the early childhood workforce in their community.

Start Early Washington is Hiring. Start Early Washington an energized, future-focused organization committed to providing quality early learning and care across Washington. We are recruiting individuals who want to join us in this mission and share a commitment to our core values of appreciation & respect, empowerment, diversity, excellence, learning and communication. We are hiring for a Senior Communications and Policy Manager and a ParentChild+ Program Manager.  Please help us spread the word!

Trivia Answers

The Washington state fiscal year ends each June 30th.  If July 1st hits and the state does not have an enacted budget in place, a chain of events that no one wants to see is set off.  Under ideal circumstances, the Legislature will pass a budget prior to adjourning sine die in April (odd-numbered years) or March (even-numbered years).  This timing gives the Governor and their staff ample time to review the budget components, prepare any necessary vetoes and sign the budget well in advance of the start of the next fiscal year.

During the intense years in the mid 2010’s when the state was working to meet its judicial mandate to fully fund basic education (the so called “McCleary decision”), the Legislature went a few years where they did not adopt a budget prior to the scheduled adjournment date, necessitating that the Governor call one (or more) special sessions to resolve issues and ultimately pass a budget.

Back to our trivia question. The 2017 budget deliberations went down to the wire with both the Senate and the House of Representatives passing the budget on June 30th.  As you can see from the pictures below, the Governor was on hand at the Capitol that night and signed the budget just prior to midnight, July 1st.  Crisis averted!

Since 2017, all of the budgets have passed well-before the end of the fiscal year. The jury is out if that on-time trend will continue in 2021, but I am hopeful.

Governor Inslee in the House wings observing House budget deliberations on June 30th

Success!  Governor Inslee signing the 2017-2019 biennial budget just before the stroke of midnight July 1, 2017 (See – same suit and tie as in the picture above)

Photos Courtesy Spokesman Review Archives

“As a child care provider, I always imagined I’d do something with new parents,” recalls Tina Greer, a doula for the Child Abuse Council’s Healthy Families program in the Quad Cities, one of the 30 home visiting programs in Start Early’s Home Visiting & Doula Network.

Tina was propelled to become a doula after experiencing the unimaginable loss of her own son at just 17-days old. She knew becoming a doula combine her passion for social work and new families. She also knew that having experienced loss equipped her with the empathy and resources to help families in similar situations. Now, nearly four years later, Tina is close to securing her Stillbirthday Bereavement Certification so that she can offer parents experiencing loss this unique support.

“You have to turn that loss into something positive otherwise it’s unbearable to live with,” she reflects.

Making Impact for Those Most in Need

As a doula, Tina helps each birthing person achieve their healthiest pregnancy, labor and birth possible by providing educational, emotional and physical support at every stage of the journey.

Tina believes her own experiences — as a first-time mother relying on WIC and Medicaid, and as the daughter of a teenage mother who was in the situation a lot of her clients are in now — help her relate to her clients on a deeper level.

“It’s really important that people in underserved communities get the access they deserve to professional pregnancy, labor, and postpartum support,” Tina shares. “We help all families realize they can bond with their baby in the womb, that they have a voice when they go the hospital and options during labor and birth.”

One of her favorite parts of her work is teaching parents ways to bond with their babies through modeling. “I help show how easy it is to talk with a developing baby,” she explains. “Some parents aren’t comfortable reading to a baby in utero but seeing me put myself into an awkward situation and model this can make them more open to trying it themselves.”

For Tina, watching parents grow into their roles is the ultimate reward. “It’s incredible to watch the transformation into parenthood,” she shares. “I get excited and overjoyed watching the families I work with utilize tools I helped equip them with during pregnancy.”

A Champion for Mental Health Care

Tina’s personal relationship with each pregnant person helps her ensure they receive the necessary support throughout their prenatal journey, including mental health supports.

Tina recalls one young mother, who disclosed that she was struggling with depression as a result of sexual abuse as they walked through her birth plan. When Tina asked if the mother had talked to her provider about it, the mother responded that she hadn’t and was too afraid to bring it up.

“She was too afraid that if they found out she was depressed and had all of this past trauma, they would take her baby away,” Tina recalls.

Tina secured the young mom’s consent to attend her next prenatal appointment with the mother and gently raise the issue of mental health and postpartum depression with the OB-GYN, eventually leading to a referral for therapy and medication.

“For someone in the medical field to tell her, ‘You have the potential to be a great mom with depression,’ that was all she needed. She became more confident as a parent.”

Tina also ensured that the young mother was able to establish safe boundaries with her nurses and doctor during labor. “When we did her birth plan, she wrote at the top in red ‘I am a survivor of sexual trauma. Do not put your hands on me without my consent.’ And as a result, everyone was very respectful of her space and boundaries,” she remembers.

Virtual Support and Moving Beyond the Pandemic

Given the hands-on nature of her work, the transition to virtual support has been “a wild ride” for Tina. “It’s been very challenging to not get to see my clients face-to-face if they don’t have the ability to do Zoom or Facetime,” she shares.

To follow state guidelines during the pandemic, Tina had to stay out of the hospital room with her laboring clients, so she used a sanitized traveling tablet to virtually interact instead. “I haven’t been to a birth since March 2020 and that has been heartbreaking to not be in the room with my clients,” she says.

One surprise benefit of the virtual outreach is the ability to engage on a more personal level. “I have my kids running around in the background when I’m on Zoom and it has taken a layer of professionalism away,” she admits. “But it’s also allowed my clients to connect to me because they see I’m real and struggling like they are.”

As the pandemic subsides, Tina is eager to get back into the labor and delivery room with her clients because, as she says, “Research has shown that having continuous labor support creates better birth outcomes.” She knows the benefits of the presence of doulas in birth and in the postpartum period play an important role in helping parents and infants create a foundation for success.


In Capitol speak, what is a “guber?” (Hint, it’s not a type of candy you can purchase at the Dome Deli)

Revenue Updates/Budget Proposals Expected Next Week

On Wednesday, the state’s Economist Dr. Stephen Lerch provided the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council with an updated revenue forecast.

On the positive side, revenue continues to outpace projections, with nearly $3.3 billion more than forecasted expected over four years. This represents a $1.34 billion increase in revenue for the current 2019-21 biennium and a $1.949 billion increase for the upcoming 2021-23 biennium. Despite plummeting revenues in 2020 following the stay-at-home order, our state is nearly back to the pre-pandemic revenue numbers that were projected in February 2020.

These projections are aided by four factors: 1) passage of a series of federal stimulus packages; 2) a faster than expected vaccine distribution process; 3) a hot real estate and construction market; and 4) strong retail sales aided by people reinvesting their stimulus checks back into the economy.

On the negative side, since the November forecast there has been slightly slower than expected employment growth; rising oil and gasoline prices; and continued weakness in business sectors such as restaurants, the arts and entertainment. Not surprisingly, the largest risk to this forecast continues to be COVID, particularly the risk associated with the virus variants.

Members of the Economic and Revenue Forecast council include the Senate Ways and Means Chair Senator Christine Rolfes and House Appropriations Chair Timm Ormsby and many of the media questions were directed at these lead budget writers. In his remarks, Representative Ormsby stressed that while this forecast is positive news, there remains great uncertainty and emphasized the economic gains are not felt by all Washingtonians. Representative Ormsby discussed his priority of getting dollars (particularly the federal stimulus funds coming to the state) into the hands of those who need the resources most.

Office of Financial Management Director David Schumacher shared that Washington is slated to receive $4.2 billion in federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (there are other buckets of funding coming to the state), including for child care and local governments. Senator Rolfes shared budget writers are still working through details of the federal package and questions remain as the state is still awaiting federal guidance on a number of spending areas. Senator Rolfes stressed the importance of staying the course and ensuring the state’s commitments can continue to be met in the long-term when these one-time funds sunset.

Senate Republican lead budget writer Senator Lynda Wilson carried her caucus’ message that with this forecast, there are ample resources to meet the state’s commitments and extend supports to families, such as funding the Working Families Tax Credit. She shared her preference that reducing taxes, including property taxes, could benefit families and the economy. House Republican council member Representative Ed Orcutt urged that the work of the Tax Structure Workgroup conclude before any new revenue is enacted.

Now that the revenue numbers are known, Senate and House budget writers will be making final tweaks to their proposed budgets. Because of the complexity with the federal ARPA dollars, budgets will be released a little later than usual this year. The Senate is slated to release its budget on March 25th with a public hearing scheduled for public comment on Friday, March 26th in Senate Ways and Means beginning at 1:00 p.m. The Senate organizes their public comment hearings by issue area, with early learning listed third in the order. Rumor is the House will release its budget on March 26th with a hearing on Saturday, March 27th.

Bill Roundup

Update on Fair Start for Kids Act Bills. Both the Senate (E2SSB 5237) and House (E2SHB 1213) versions of the Fair Start for Kids Act bills continue to advance.  E2SSB 5237 received a public hearing in the House Children, Youth and Families Committee on Thursday, March 18th and E2SHB 1213 will be heard in the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Committee on Monday, March 22nd with a vote scheduled on the House bill on Wednesday, March 24th and a vote on the Senate bill on either March 24th or 25th. As of this writing, there has not been a decision as to which bill will serve as the final vehicle.

As a reminder, an analysis of both bills as well as a side-by-side comparison can be found on the resources page of the Start Early Washington website.

DCYF Licensing Bill Advances to House Appropriations.  On Wednesday, the House Children, Youth and Families approved SSB 5151, DCYF’s licensing bill.  The bill contains a number of provisions. In terms of early learning, the bill waives child care licensing fees until June 30, 2023 and makes the outdoor preschool pilot program permanent. The bill next moves to the House Appropriations Committee for consideration.

Capital Gains.  On Monday, the House Finance Committee held a public hearing on ESSB 5096, the Capital Gains measure. As described in previous updates, the intent is that the first $350 million raised from this new revenue source will be deposited into the Education Legacy Trust Account with a focus on supporting child care and early learning. It has not yet been scheduled for a vote.

On Deck Next Week

Senate Ways and Means Work Session on Federal Dollars. While not technically next week, the Senate Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing at 2:30 today (Friday, March 19th) where they will receive a briefing on details of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). As noted above, at Wednesday’s Revenue Forecast Council, Senate Ways and Means Chair Senator Christine Rolfes shared there are still a lot of questions and budget writers are still working through details of the federal package, but they do plan to include as many of the federal dollars as possible in the proposed budgets that will be released next week sometime.

It’s Cutoff Time Again. Two cutoffs are quickly approaching with the opposite house policy committee cutoff on Friday, March 26th and the opposite house fiscal committee cutoff quickly thereafter on Friday, April 2nd. It is hard to believe we are nearly 2/3 done with this legislative session.  The last few weeks will be a flurry of final bill and budget negotiations.

Early Learning Facilities Bill to Receive Hearing. On Monday, ESHB 1370 will be heard in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. This bill would make improvements to the existing Early Learning Facilities program and rename the funds after former Representative Ruth Kagi. It is scheduled for a vote on Thursday, March 25th.

Start Early Luncheon April 22nd

Our biggest event of the year, the Start Early Annual Luncheon, is going virtual on April 22! You are invited to join us in celebration of the transformational power of starting early through inspiring stories from families, educators, corporate leaders and early learning advocates, including Former First Lady Michelle Obama and Clinton Boyd Jr., a national leader on social equity and parent engagement. Learn more and register.

Trivia Answers

In Capitol lingo, a “guber” is the nickname for the approval process for gubernatorial appointees.

Our state’s Governor has the authority to appoint scores of people to positions ranging from directors of state agencies to specific boards and commissions. Some of these appointments require Senate approval, just like a piece of legislation. Gubernatorial appointments that require Senate confirmation start with a hearing in the appropriate policy committee, followed by a committee vote and then consideration by the full Senate. These Senate approvals are not on a set schedule and if you are following an appointment you have to stay on your toes, because the Senate will often run “gubers” with little notice when they have lulls in their floor activity (case in point detailed below).

Recently, our state’s new Director of Health, Dr. Umair Shah, had his confirmation hearing virtually in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee. In his opening remarks, Dr. Shah noted he had big shoes to fill for the position following the service of the previous two Secretaries, Dr. John Wiesman and Mary Selecky.

I am fortunate to work with Mary Selecky and I asked her if she would be willing to be interviewed to talk about her confirmation process and her 14 years of service as the Secretary of the Department of Health. Mary kindly agreed and she shared wonderful stories and insights into her experience. Full disclosure – we could have talked for hours and I hung up realizing I neglected to ask ¾ of my questions, including getting her thoughts on the pandemic and other pressing public health issues.

The Path to Leading a State Agency. For 20 years, Mary served as the Administrator of the Northeast Tri-County Health District, headquartered in Colville. She loved that role and loves her community. As a Health District Administrator, she was active in state-level work (known for being the voice for rural communities), helping to establish an independent Department of Health in the 1980s.

When the Secretary of Health position became open at the state level in the late 1990s, applying for the position was not on her radar. She was eventually convinced to assume the role of Acting Secretary in 1998 while then Governor Locke continued a search for a permanent Secretary. During her time as Acting Secretary, she maintained her Administrator job, going back and forth between Olympia and Colville (a practice she would continue). She called this her “public health mission.” Six months into her role as Acting Secretary, she was persuaded to apply for the permanent role and Governor Locke formally appointed Mary to the Secretary position on the “Ides of March” in 1999.

As I mentioned above, approval of “gubers” are not always scheduled with advance notice. When Mary’s came up, she was fortunately already at the Capitol. She was kneeled down, making a budget pitch to a Senator who was seated on a couch when someone alerted her to go to the gallery to watch her confirmation.

This was before cell phones were prevalent, so Mary sat in the Senate Gallery by herself, listening to Senators’ speeches supporting her appointment. She recalled that the joke afterwards was that people took away that Mary is “a nurse, a sister and a Quaker” because of comments made by Senators speaking in support of her confirmation. Former Senator Rosa Franklin called her a sister and fellow University of Pennsylvania alum Senator Tim Sheldon made the Quaker comment (the Penn mascot).

Stay Connected and Stay Local. After Mary assumed the role of Secretary, she continued to return to Colville, although her visits switched to twice a month and she realized that Colville had become the “suitcase part of her life.” Mary said she undertook this eight-hour drive because she felt it was important to get out of the Olympia bubble and the I-5 corridor and get the grounding of being home.

Mary spoke of being in the grocery store and having a neighbor speak to her about how the area’s lead mines were impacting the groundwater, leading to lead appearing in the neighbor’s carrot crop. Not information she would naturally pick up in Olympia! These continued relationships and connections allowed her to more seamlessly transition when her time as Secretary concluded when she retired in 2013 and returned to Colville.

The Importance of Support. When Mary was first appointed Secretary of the Department of Health in 1999, there were only four female Cabinet members. When Governor Gregoire was elected in 2004, she added more women to the Cabinet. Governor Gregoire set out to build a culture where the female Cabinet members supported each other both personally and professionally. They often had dinner together at restaurants in Olympia and at times Governor Gregoire would herself join. Mary shared that at one Cabinet meeting, the female Cabinet members decided to each incorporate some form of Cheetah print into their attire. Their male colleagues did not notice and, when alerted, they responded by wearing blue dress shirts at a future Cabinet meeting.

Governor Gregoire and Secretary Mary Selecky at a press conference. Given the serious look on Governor Gregoire’s face, this may have been around the time the Seattle Times ran a three-day series “Licensed to Harm” that led to reforms of the state’s licensing of medical professionals that Mary oversaw.

It is not a surprise that Mary paid this culture of camaraderie and support forward. The current Speaker of the House Laurie Jinkins worked as Mary’s Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health. Mary was proud to sit in the gallery when Speaker Jinkins was sworn in and be introduced as a friend and mentor.

Final Reflections. Mary continues to be very active in local, regional, state and national work. She is the current chair of Empire Health Foundation in Eastern Washington, sits on two Providence boards and is very active in her Rotary. In fact, her local youth Rotary group (Interact) honored Mary in March as a local person who puts service above self. As a fellow Rotarian, I can attest that Mary exemplifies the Rotary motto.

Mary remains engaged in state activity and I suspect her phone rings a lot with people seeking her counsel. I will end with a personal story. On the day Speaker Jinkins was sworn in as Speaker, I had the pleasure of having coffee with Mary and another colleague in the infamous Dome Deli at the Capitol.  We were hardly able to finish a sentence because a never-ending line of people wanted to chat with Mary. It was like being with a Hollywood movie star!

Secretary Selecky at a school anti-smoking rally (note her shirt says “No Stank You”)

Thank you, Mary, for your continued service to Washington state and for sharing some of these amazing stories.

As the director of Start Early’s Enterprise Project Management Office, Colleen Vehr knew the early months and years of a child’s life are critical to their learning, growth, and development. Knowing this, she was particularly grateful to be able to have extended time away from work to focus on her rapidly growing family and providing for her newborns’ needs as they grew and changed each day.

As a mother of twins who spent time in the NICU, Vehr shares, “I really cherish the time I was able to spend at home nurturing my babies so they could thrive in the way that all children deserve.”

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Providing parents with paid time off from work to care for their young children helps families begin their journey on a strong foundation of caring, consistent relationships. Infants experience rapid rates of brain development fueled by nurturing and consistent relationship with caregiving adults, and these earliest interactions have a significant, long-lasting impact on executive functioning, early communication, and problem-solving skills.

Bridget Byville, vice president of Development, and another recent mother at Start Early recalls how her parental leave helped get her son to a place where he was healthy and thriving. “My parental leave helped us get into the cadence of being a family and creating those social emotional connections that we needed. It was especially beneficial for creating a bond with this tiny human — who is very fragile — and it gave me time to focus on my health and well-being post labor,” she shares.

Caregiver holding babyIndeed, research has found that paid family leave leads to a wealth of benefits related to child development and child and caregiver health. One recent study found that paid leave was linked to better language, cognitive and social emotional outcomes in toddlers regardless of socioeconomic status and fewer infant behavior problems. Research also suggests that parental leave — especially paid leave — can support children’s health during this critical window, including positively affecting breastfeeding rates and duration, reducing the risk of infant mortality, and increasing the likelihood of infants receiving well-baby care and vaccinations.

The benefits that paid leave produces for young children and their families have not only compelled Start Early to advocate for policies that increase access to paid leave but has compelled our organization to adopt our own paid leave policies, including providing up to 6 months of paid maternity, paternity or adoption leave for employees.

The U.S. is one of only eight countries that does not offer paid leave, forcing parents to cobble together paid personal time, sick leave and short-term disability, if available or feasible. As a result, the average maternity leave in the U.S. is about 10 weeks.

“When you invest in your people, they invest back in the organization which ultimately leads to increased retention. I feel a much stronger sense of loyalty to Start Early because of the space they made for my family.

Bridget Byville, vice president of Development
corner square square circle corner pie circle square

Vehr reflects on how even a 3-month policy wouldn’t have felt sufficient. “With a 3-month policy, I would have spent about a third of my leave with at least one child in the hospital. The extended 6-month leave meant that I could spend meaningful time, especially in those precious early days, focused on establishing new routines and caring for my children.”

Decreasing an employee’s salary and retirement savings opportunities at a time when their expenses are increasing causes high levels of stress, conditions that have been shown to negatively affect children’s growth and development. Start Early’s parental leave program also aligns with research evidence about the impact caregiver stress and access to high-quality healthcare has on young children by providing employees with 100% of their salary and benefits during parental leave.

“I was really one of the fortunate parents in the NICU,” says Vehr. “I think about mothers who have to return to work before they’ve fully healed or parents who are forced to return to work when their little ones are so very young because not receiving a paycheck is simply not an option.”

A comprehensive paid parental leave program can aid in retaining women in the workforce. One study from Institute for Women’s Policy Research found that implementing paid parental leave policies in California and New Jersey resulted in a 20 percent reduction in the number of women exiting their jobs in the first year after welcoming a child and up to a 50 percent reduction after 5 years.

“When you invest in your people, they invest back in the organization which ultimately leads to increased retention,” notes Byville. “I feel a much stronger sense of loyalty to Start Early because of the space they made for my family.”

Vehr agrees, “I feel a deeper sense of commitment to our organization and more cared for as an employee.” She adds, “it really calls on employers to consider a far more empathetic, humane approach to parental and family leave, and it also calls on our lawmakers to support employers with that aim.”

The benefits of paid parental leave set families, employers, and our communities up for success, which is why Start Early will continue to advocate for family-friendly policies that support time for parents and caregivers to bond with and care for their children without jeopardizing their ability to afford basic needs.

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More Like This

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a destabilizing effect on preschool and infant-toddler classrooms across the country, impacted by substantial staff losses, pressure on families, safety demands and financial shortfalls. Program staff are currently under immense pressure to reimagine teaching, learning and family engagement.

When navigating unprecedented obstacles, a strong and supportive environment is critical for children and families to thrive and to ensure educator’s well-being. A strong organizational climate is the foundation for the connectivity and collaboration that staff need to feel motivated and confident, even and especially when physically distant from their colleagues.

For many years, Start Early has focused on helping the early childhood field broaden the focus of improvement efforts beyond the classroom to the organizational conditions that support staff and families. Throughout the ongoing pandemic, we’ve continued our work with programs across the country to help them strengthen their organizational conditions through The Essential 0-5 Survey — an evidence-based measurement system for program improvement. We are inspired to see programs’ continued focus on staff well-being, instructional leadership, collaboration, and continuous quality improvement.

Data collected during this pandemic through The Essential 0-5 Survey will not be an outlier. Even (and especially with!) the pressures of this unique situation, survey data point to critical patterns of organizational culture and climate. For example, if staff do not have relational trust during a crisis, these same patterns will emerge when not in crisis. In other words, patterns that emerge during this acute situation may point to chronic issues.

Now more than ever, we are witnessing how imperative it is for programs to have systems in place that foster healthy, safe and positive environments. If you’re interested in learning more, check out the research-to-practice report “Early Education Essentials: Illustrations of Strong Organizational Practices of Program Poised for Improvement”. The Essential 0-5 Survey is available online to support your program in this virtual environment. Email to get started today.

After a multi-year legal battle against the Trump administration’s 2019 public charge rule, advocates in Illinois and across the nation celebrated a legal win that invalidated the rule nationwide.

While celebrating this victory for immigrant rights, to ensure that all families can feel safe accessing vital safety net programs, advocates and family-facing providers must continue to share accurate information with immigrant families and children.

What happened to the public charge rule?

In early February, the Biden administration issued an immigration-focused executive order, directing relevant federal agencies to review and evaluate the effects of the 2019 public charge rule and address the policies’ effects on our immigration and public health systems within 60 days. Read more in my previous post.

On March 9, 2021, following these directives, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that continuing to defend the final rule is, “neither in the public interest nor an efficient use of limited government resources.” 1 The Department of Justice correspondingly announced that it would no longer defend the 2019 rule, including ceasing to pursue appellate review of judicial decisions invalidating or enjoining enforcement of the rule.

The motions filed to dismiss the defense of the rule bring an end to a nearly two-year battle fought by advocates and invalidate the rule nationwide. Start Early particularly applauds Illinois-based immigration advocates who played pivotal roles in these efforts, including the Shriver Center on Poverty Law, Legal Council for Health Justice and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.

What does this mean for immigrant families?

The “public charge” inadmissibility test has been a feature of immigration law for decades. It allows the government to deny an immigrant’s application for admission to the United States or an application for lawful permanent resident status (or “green card”) if they are deemed likely to depend on public benefit support in the future. Through its 2019 rule, which can no longer be enforced, the prior administration instituted changes to criteria for how public charge determinations are made, further restricting who can lawfully live in this country.

With the permanent ban on the 2019 public charge rule, the 1999 public charge rule, which was in effect before the prior administration’s changes, is now active. Under this existing guidance, DHS will not consider public housing, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits or Medicaid use (except for long-term institutionalization) when making their public charge inadmissibility determinations. ­In addition, concerns about health care accessibility, prevention services, including vaccines, and medical treatment for COVID-19 will not be counted in any public charge inadmissibility determinations.

What do advocates and providers need to do next?

While the prior administration’s public charge rule can no longer be enforced, the active rule can still have harmful implications, such as if families turn down needed public benefits or other support programs due to fears of immigration-related consequences. As discussed in an earlier blog post on the issue, this phenomenon, known as the “chilling effect,” has already had serious effects on uptake rates for maternal and child health programs. A prior immigration-focused executive order by the Biden administration already calls on relevant federal agencies to develop communications that clarify the applicability of the public charge rule to reduce the harmful impact on immigrants and their families.

Still, recognizing the confusion around the public charge rule that was created by the prior administration, advocates and providers alike must continue to disseminate up to date and accurate information about the end to the 2019 public charge rule.

Reputable immigrant rights organizations have already started disseminating updated information for families and providers, including the following:


1 DHS Statement on Litigation Related to the Public Charge Ground of Inadmissibility


As both the Senate and House of Representatives have spent the bulk of the last two weeks “on” the Floor, this has been a common sight in both chambers. Masked Rostrum staff, surrounded by plexiglass, keeping the process moving. And, I should add, working incredibly long hours, including weekends.

In the State Senate, the Lt. Governor serves as President and presides over nearly every Senate Floor activity. In the House, multiple people serve in that presiding role. Much of the House Floor activity is led by the Speaker Pro Tempore (currently Representative Tina Orwall) and the Deputy Speaker Pro Tempore (currently Representative John Lovick). Speaker Laurie Jinkins will also preside on occasion, particularly when monumental bills are under consideration.

Since this is our new Lt. Governor Denny Heck’s first year in the role of Senate President, this week’s trivia is focused on tidbits about Lt. Governor Heck. To learn more beyond the bland web articles, I reached out to the Lt. Governor’s longtime friend and my colleague, Paul Berendt.

  1. What was Lt. Governor Heck’s job immediately prior to his November election as Lt. Governor?
  2. Lt. Governor Heck is an avid fan of what basketball team?

Highlights of the Week

American Rescue Plan Act is Now Law. Following an all-nighter by the U.S. Senate on Friday night/Saturday morning and a confirmation vote by the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday, President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act into law on Thursday, March 11th.

There is a lot of press around the many positive investments for our nation’s families, including the Child Tax Credit as well as substantial child care, Head Start, and home visiting investments. The per state funding allocations are still being finalized and we are all anxiously awaiting federal guidance on spending parameters.  In the meantime, I wanted to share this resource developed by the national First Five Years Fund that contains details on the specific investments targeted to families. As Washington state budget writers put the finishing touches on their proposals, we will be carefully watching how they approach this significant infusion of federal dollars for families and other critical public investments.

Fair Start Act Bills Advance. Both the Senate (E2SSB 5237) and the House (E2SHB 1213) versions of the Fair Start for Kids Act passed out of their respective chambers before the March 9th cutoff. Start Early Washington has updated its resource documents detailing a summary of the most recent amendments and a side-by-side chart of the current versions of both bills. E2SSB 5237 has been scheduled to be heard in the House Children, Youth and Families Committee on Thursday, March 18th. E2SHB 1213 has not been scheduled for a public hearing as of this writing.

This is an exciting time for Washington families as the state is poised to adopt a roadmap for broadly expanding its quality early learning infrastructure, backed by significant new investments. With amendments adopted on Saturday, the Senate signaled its priorities for the Fair Start Act by advancing the timeline for implementation of increased eligibility and reimbursement, leveraging a portion of child care funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.

Specifically, the Senate amendments increase:

  • Income eligibility for families for Working Connections Child Care beginning July 1, 2021 from 200% of Federal Poverty Level to 60% of State Median Income. This represents an increase in income eligibility for a family of three from $43,920 to $51,804.
  • The Working Connections Child Care reimbursement rate to 85th percentile as of July 1, 2021.
  • The ECEAP reimbursement rate by 10% beginning in the 2021-22 school year.

The House version has not yet been amended to reflect how the federal child care and other funding will advance the Fair Start for Kids Act goals. With both bills still moving, we can expect the Senate and House to decide on one of the bills as the vehicle to move forward and negotiate differences between the two policy and budget approaches.

Capital Gains Tax Passes Senate. On Saturday, the State Senate passed Capital Gains for the first time on a 25-24 vote. ESSB 5096 would impose a 7 percent capital gains tax effective January 1, 2022.

The bill contains intent language that the first $350 million generated by the tax would go into the Education Legacy Trust Account with a focus on early learning and child care; the next $100 million to the state General Fund; and the balance of funds collected would go into a newly created Taxpayer Fairness Account.  This Taxpayer Fairness Account is intended to fund the Working Families Tax Exemption referenced above.  This Seattle Times article provides a summary of the debate and the bill’s details.  ESSB 5096 will receive a public hearing in the House Finance Committee on Monday, March 15th.

Floor Action Concluded.  After what felt like weeks of staring at screens as the House and Senate spent hours alternating between caucus meetings, debates and votes, the initial round of floor activity concluded on Tuesday, March 9th.  For lobbyists, monitoring Floor activity in a virtual environment required constant refreshing of TVW and texting colleagues, “are they back?”

Given that I reported on the 5:00 bill last week, I thought I would share how our legislature approached it this year. The House actually adjourned at 3:46 p.m., far before the 5:00 deadline. Their final bill before cutoff was ESHB 1297, the Working Families Tax Exemption. This bill passed 94-2 and it looks like there will finally be funding for this policy that has been on the books but unfunded for more than 10 years.

The Senate took the unusual step of scheduling a House bill for its 5:00 bill.  This is unusual because a House bill is not subject to cutoff deadlines at this stage. The House bill covered was SHB 1088 relating to potential impeachment disclosures. This bill passed 46-3 and is one of the policy reform proposals under review this year. Senate leadership stated they took this unusual step to demonstrate their commitment to advancing law enforcement reform this year.

Bill Roundup

Early Learning Facilities Bill Moves to the Senate. On Monday, the House approved ESHB 1370 on a 90-7 vote, making improvements to the existing Early Learning Facilities program. Prior to the vote, the House approved an amendment to name the facilities funds after former Representative Ruth Kagi. On a day with sometimes controversial items, this provided an opportunity for members on both sides of the aisle to celebrate Representative Kagi’s legacy. Related to my blurb above about presiding officers, Speaker Jinkins presided over consideration of ESHB 1370 and took a point of personal privilege following the bill’s passage to honor her former seatmate, Representative Kagi. ESHB 1370 is now in the Senate, where it was referred to the Senate Ways and Means Committee.

DCYF Licensing Bill Receives Public Hearing.  On Thursday, the House Children, Youth and Families held a public hearing on SSB 5151, DCYF’s licensing bill.  The bill contains a number of licensing provisions within the Department.  In terms of early learning, the bill waives child care licensing fees until June 30, 2023 and makes the outdoor preschool pilot program permanent.  It is scheduled to receive a vote in the committee on March 17th.

On Deck Next Week

Revenue Forecast. Scheduled appropriately on St. Patrick’s Day, the state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council will receive an updated revenue report. This report will help inform budget writers in their efforts to finalize their budget proposals. At a media availability this week, House Majority Leader Representative Pat Sullivan noted that the budget proposals may be released a little later this year to give budget writers time to analyze the various aspects of the American Rescue Plan Act.

Trivia Answers

  1. Prior to his November election, Lt. Governor Heck was a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing the 10th District (Olympia).
  2. Lt. Governor Heck is a fervent Gonzaga Bulldog basketball fan. When he used to appear on cable news shows during his time in Congress, he often had a Gonzaga hat or other Zags item displayed prominently in the background.

Lt. Governor Heck served five terms in the Washington State House of Representatives. He was first elected at the ripe age of 24 in 1976, and he eventually rose to the position of House Majority Leader. Lt. Governor Heck also served as Chief of Staff to former Governor Booth Gardner and helped found TVW. This experience with the Washington State Legislature allowed him to jump right into presiding over marathon Senate floor sessions (although he did slip more than once and refer to the body as the House – understandable!).

The son of a telephone operator and a teamster, our Lt. Governor was one of the first graduates of Evergreen State College. He has called Olympia home for forty years, so it is really not a surprise he would come back to the State Capitol where he started his career. According to Paul, the Lt. Governor is an “extraordinary” cribbage and pinochle player and is a part of an Olympia based book club that has met for a number of years.

I wonder if his book club read Heck’s own 2002 novel, “The Enemy You Know” about Jess Stevens who, according to Amazon, “retires abruptly at the peak of his career to build a ‘dream’ home on the idyllic shores of Loon Lake, 35 miles north of Spokane, Washington.”

Tomorrow, President Joe Biden is expected to sign the American Rescue Plan, a sweeping $1.9 trillion stimulus package to help families across the country struggling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The legislation includes investments in child care, health care, housing assistance, special education, mental health services, stable access to food and other supports for families that will go a long way to alleviating many of the challenges the pandemic has brought to families across the country -particularly those who live in communities that have been historically under resourced and overburdened.

It provides $39 billion in child care funding, includes immediate supports for child care providers who have been hit hard by the pandemic economically, allows states to ensure essential workers can access child care with little- to no-cost to them — regardless of income — and includes funding for the important work of rebuilding and strengthening state child care systems.

The legislation also includes significant investments for other critical parts of the prenatal-five system, including $200 million to support preschoolers with disabilities and $250 million for infants and toddlers under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), $1B for Head Start programs, and $150 million for the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program.

In response, Kristin Bernhard, senior vice president of Policy and Advocacy at Start Early issued the following statement:

“Start Early applauds Congress for passing one the most significant investments in young children in decades, the American Rescue Plan. There has never been a more critical time to support children, families and the early childhood workforce.

“The last year has illuminated how the ongoing impact of historical and systemic racism continues to magnify the stressors so many of our youngest children and their families face, such as homelessness, food insecurity, and financial instability.

“While our early childhood education system was broken well before the pandemic began, the pandemic has left child care in America on the verge of collapse and in a state of crisis never seen before.

“Millions of families are struggling to provide the high-quality care needed for their children’s well-being and their ability to work. Doulas, home visitors, preschool teachers, in-home providers and other early childhood professionals have been forced to put their lives on the line or shutter their doors, all while being compensated at levels that don’t reflect their expertise or the importance and complexity of the work they do.

“Our nation has underfunded this crucial support for families for decades. This funding has the potential to improve access to quality early learning and care for all families.

“Perhaps most importantly, the American Rescue Plan creates an opportunity to build towards a bright and just future for all children. Now our efforts must focus on supporting states to effectively use the funds to repair and redesign early childhood systems and supports to be more equitable, to increase access for Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC), to reach more children with disabilities and their families, and to target funding to build capacity of currently under-resourced communities.”