Home Visiting in Washington
Home visiting is a voluntary, proven way to support and strengthen families in the first years of life. Trained home visitors and parents develop trusting relationships and work together over several years to address prenatal and infant care, child development and parenting skills. Home visitors also ensure coordination and referrals to other valuable resources and community services. It is a multi-generational approach that has the power to positively change the trajectory of an entire family.
Research shows home visiting programs increase positive parent-child interaction, support early detection of developmental delays, improve school readiness and increase high school graduation rates. In addition, home visiting programs increase positive birth outcomes for children, improve the likelihood that families have a primary care physician and decrease rates of child abuse and neglect. Our goal is to ensure families across Washington state have equitable access to personalized, high quality home-based services that support their child’s healthy growth and development and positive parent-child relationship.
Start Early Washington
We inform systems, drive innovation, support the workforce and advocate for children and families to ensure high quality implementation of prenatal and early learning services to achieve the strongest outcomes for families in Washington state. Working in concert with the Department of Children, Youth and Families and other public and private funders, Start Early Washington supports new and existing home visiting programs with coaching, consultation, training and professional learning.
Start Early Washington’s home visiting team includes experts in home visiting, family engagement, program implementation and community service coordination. Grounded in a strengths-based approach, our team supports new and experienced home visiting programs through the following services: